Miniatures Discussion

Discuss and review new miniatures and miniatures you've discovered on the web
by Talsin • | | 17 comments
After browsing the marvellous internet thing i came across a miniature which made me stop, stare and just go whaaaaaaaaa....? so, here is a little thread where you can post a pic/ link o something which just made you think, who designed that. For your consideration, here is the first of more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 2 comments
bet you guys are getting sick of reading these. Anyway, another mini manufactuer making nice shiny things: Obviously making dwarves (really nice ones I think). From their WIPs looks like there are some 'dark dwarf' types comming too. Not sure what to make of more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 2 comments
Hallo everyone, I realised today that I've not posted up eolith on here, miniatures by Steven Buddle (who sculpted some nice miniatures in the Inquisitor range). He's selling a mixture of 28mm and 54mm models, all quite nice with some quite attractive female more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 21 comments
Yet another new manufacturer (or new to me at least), making 28mm fantasy plastics. Now those two things are very possitive, but for some reason the first army they did was elves. anyway here's the link:
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 5 comments
Squats are back! … well … not really … but still! This is ‘Grombrindal in space’ the mini that will be given away with White Dwarf subscriptions this year. And this is an awesome model … much more awesome than any miniature of a Dwarf in space suit has any right being. Sculpted by Dave more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 3 comments
Just re-found this lot and they have a lot more stuff than they used to. Lots of intersting conversion stuff like: Traitor Guardsmen heads, pretty awesome! Mutations, Fly head is pretty cool and detailed. Orc pirates, the one on the far left with the massive bionic/telescopic eye more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 10 comments
Hallo all, I've been having a think about starting up casting bits to try and make some money. I think I could get the standard of the parts high enough for general sale. All I need is some idea's for some minis, I've already got a whole load of masters for 54mm sci-fi figures but I'm more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 5 comments
FW makes awesome stuff but the prices are through the roof. Is it the resin that brings the cost up or what? I’m not sure, FW do seem to make the most expensive Resin models out there. Other companies that make Resin models (Fenryll for instance) keep their prices pretty much the same more
by Orkimedes • | | 3 comments
I'm not entirely sure this is the right place to post this, but hey, it's as good a place as any for the mo I s'pose. (mods: feel free to move this to the 'usefull links' thread if you've got one) As I've been collecting like a loon again I thought it'd be good to share with you guys some of more
by MarkRG • | | 0 comments
Hi troops Iv found this website for some cheaper models sadly only by a few quid Game on.
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 6 comments
Looking for some cheap minis to bulk out your 40k chaos army? ^it's a beastman with a Lasgun! Check out the latest offering by EM4miniatures ‘Phagon Beastmen’ not a bad little range and only £1.25 per a figure.
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 4 comments
Goddamnit! just as soon I think I can stop buying Citadel's over priced Miniatures they bring out these awesome new Squigs with a crazy Night Gobbo! and it's not too bad a price for GW ^ Goddamnit GW! stop making things I need
by AxlNose • | | 2 comments
I was generally trawling through various wargamming sites for anything I could use for Mordheim scenery and happened across these rather decent walls: The first thing that sturck me about these (other than more
by General Biakal • | | 18 comments
the new command sqaud is fifteen quid. the robbing bastards i am really not happy. £12 would have been ok, £10 would have been ideal. but £15? man im chucking the lot in a skip and sending GW the bill. iv had it with these exploitative assholes.
by MarkRG • | | 2 comments
On my way home back to Uk I was talking to an 68 year old, Ex marine and he told me about these models he collects. Game on.
by General Biakal • | | 1 comment
also, just found this article here which i wouldnt normally give much creedence too apart from the stormlord has come to pass very recently! the plastic stormtroopers look chunky but im not sure about the hellhound... the article on bell of lost souls got me VERY aroused. the more
by General Biakal • | | 0 comments
so no one else has im going to mention the new placcy valk. now i may not get one but if i do it really does look a decent model. a fairly decent size, lots of little details. nice. i really want some new models as i am very bored but to be honest i just cant wait till may when the more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 10 comments
is it just me or did GW put about as much effort into this kit as I have into this review
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 4 comments
was in GW bath today and managed to get some 'exclusive' pictures of the store's half painted Stompa Gargant. Owen, one of the staff informed me it was a pre-production model (although I'm not sure if he meant Pre-release, there dose appear to be some subtle differences between this one and more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 4 comments
^Undead Fleet I don't know if anyone on here plays (or is looking into playing) GW's long forgotten classic Man-O-War, but if you are you might be interested in a company called 'The Green Forest Trading Company' these guys produce ( more
by General Biakal • | | 8 comments
very impressed with the new ork stuff. battlewagon model is probably the best looking GW model ever for details (pricey tho for all platic) and some of the metals are amazing. the kommando boss in particular. hope IG get as good a reboot. im aslo impressed on how cheap stuff like the grots and more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 4 comments
Micro Art Studio is a company based in Poland [insert your own joke about plumbers and van drivers here that the British will find funny, the polish will find mildly offensive and all others will be indifferent to] ok, thats got that out of the way ... Home to miniatures by the infamous Ś more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 5 comments
Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures if you collect Imperial Guard you've got just about the easiest army in 40k to find alternative miniatures for after all most (if not all) miniature based games have humans and most Sci-Fi rifles can pass as a Lasgun with little or modification needed. more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 3 comments
Whilst I'm on here (ha ha ha) I might as well let everyone else know that if you go sign up on blacktree's new webstore you earn yourself a 35% discount!! Apparently its PERMINANT too so why the hell are you guys (and ladys) still reading this?
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 7 comments
A few new things from Heresy (well new to me anyway), that caught my eye. First up a nice wraith: Just looks pretty cool IMHO, might change the head if I get one though, there are some nice heads on the new skellie sprues and I want to make this into some sort of hero wraith. He needs more
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