Strange, Weird and unusual

Posted by Talsin Talsin
After browsing the marvellous internet thing i came across a miniature which made me stop, stare and just go whaaaaaaaaa....?

so, here is a little thread where you can post a pic/ link o something which just made you think, who designed that.

For your consideration, here is the first of our 'sculpts'

Ladies and gentlemen i present

Reaper's Platypus Mage


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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

My nominations for this category:

 ^Doom Bunny Black Rabbit of Death (Ral Partha)

 ^Aardvarks/Earthpigs (Citadel/Ral Partha)

 ^Sphinx (Black Tree Design)

 ^Micheline Tenderness (Goblin Forge)

^ Dark Dwarf, Lord Va'durr (Heresy Miniatures)

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

oooh and not forgetting ...

 ^ Russian Red Army Starter Force (Darkson Designs)
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Talsin Talsin
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin
oh my,

wonder if they actually made money on these.

bunny of doom.......
Scumdog47 Scumdog47
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Oddly enough there is actually a real world story behind the soviet ape-soldiers.

Apparently Stalin (and associated insane/inane "scientists") got the idea that a human/chimpanzee hybrid would make a good soldier type of being.

They did try to create some by insemination but failed.

Let us not dwell on the exact details.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

Scumdog47 wrote
Apparently Stalin (and associated insane/inane "scientists") got the idea that a human/chimpanzee hybrid would make a good soldier type of being.
Wow that I did not know!

Scumdog47 wrote
They did try to create some by insemination but failed.
…eew … doesn’t bear thinking about, lets be glad it never worked.
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Saw Saw
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin
erm... ma'am if you could just bend over, I have your monkey seman ready..... as I curse the name Stalin!

Please see for all the Saw maddness
AxlNose AxlNose
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin
The Dark Dwarf and the Doom Bunny are quite disturbing in there own way, and they are meant to be eeevvviiilll.........but honestly........that Platipus Mage scares the S%*T out of me.

I'll have knightmares about it........I just know it........
Putting the romance back in Necromancy........
MarkRG MarkRG
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

The female olga reminds me of my ex wife when she saw lots of free food lol
-- Mark RG (Game on)
AxlNose AxlNose
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin
Here's one I came across on a site recommended by a mate.
I give you..............the doctor's bag!!!

courtesy of Black Cat Bases
Putting the romance back in Necromancy........
CatBlack CatBlack
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin
well actually.... i know no-one agrees with me but i kinda like the platypus mage and really want one!!  if i could get one shipped to the uk i would have one immediatly!  he's soo cute...
SamuelF SamuelF
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

CatBlack wrote
well actually.... i know no-one agrees with me but i kinda like the platypus mage and really want one!!  if i could get one shipped to the uk i would have one immediatly!  he's soo cute...
I think he's pretty cool  

Reaper seem more UK friendly these days. Also check out Miniature-Giant, they do a 26% discount on Reaper and they ship to the UK.

I wanna see your paint job on this little fella

CatBlack CatBlack
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin

Just thought an update was in order here as the league of justice and caeke* now has new members!  The first was the Platypus mage which started this topic but now we also have a hedgehog warrior and a lemur cleric!!  I think I may wait til they're all released and then buy them all!!

*i can't help it, it's how hedgehogs spell cake!
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

oh dear god ....
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Talsin Talsin
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin

My mind, you are warping my fragile little mind!

definatley losing sanity here..........................
CatBlack CatBlack
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin
but they're so cute..... look at the wee cleric with a cupcake on his mace...
Talsin Talsin
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

In reply to this post by Talsin
Cat, no. bad cat.
Apocalypsedreamer Apocalypsedreamer
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Re: Strange, Weird and unusual

I must confess I own the platipus mage and the lemur cleric. (lol)!!

You think your lag is bad! It took 3 days for Jesus to re-spawn!