Break down the walls..........

Posted by AxlNose AxlNose
I was generally trawling through various wargamming sites for anything I could use for Mordheim scenery and happened across these rather decent walls:

The first thing that sturck me about these (other than the price....65p each...... I'll have a bit of that) was the curved corner pieces. I really liked them and haven't really seen them done much before with most companies happy to give you straight, sharp corners and that's about it. The end pieces are a nice touch too and the whole thing is just nicely versatile, not only for setting out, but also for what they can be used for......from fantasy, to even lining them all up and re-enacting a few 'Gears' senarios.......

Have ordered a few and will let you know what they're like.........


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Re: Break down the walls..........

They look very adaptable for all genres - perhaps even for dungeons?  I mean, they're really cheap.
(I was thinking this earlier today, that I should really incorporate some curved walls in my own floor-plans.)
AxlNose AxlNose
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Re: Break down the walls..........

In reply to this post by AxlNose
I've now picked up a few of these walls now. From the base colour of the resin they are from 2 different casting sessions, and unfortunately it is quite 'bubbly' in places. But the bases are sawn flat straight from the mould which is nice and looking forward to doing them up for fantasy/mordheim use.

Have also purchased a basic box of skeleton warriors to dress a few of them. 7

Will make sure I post some pics and a write up when they're done.
Putting the romance back in Necromancy........