Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures

if you collect Imperial Guard you've got just about the easiest army in 40k to find alternative miniatures for after all most (if not all) miniature based games have humans and most Sci-Fi rifles can pass as a Lasgun with little or modification needed. Here's a few of my suggestions.

Warzone, for those of you who don't know, is a 40k rippoff set in the Mutant Chronicles universe. Despite a relaunch in the late 90's and an upcoming film based on Mutant Chronicles, this Swedish-Scottish collaboration has faded into obscurity. But many of the miniatures are still available from Ral Partha Europe.

The Imperial faction is a good place to start and has some nice gas-masked troops

^  Imperial Blood Beret Sergeant

Bauhaus (no not the 80's goth band who did an incredible cover of Ziggy Stardust) troops are a little more heavy armoured and could make a nice alternative to Storm Troopers, their symbol is gear wheel so they may also be useful to those of you collecting an army that has ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus.

^  Bauhaus Blitzers

Talking of Storm Troopers, check out these models from the Cybertronic faction

^ Cybertronic Chasseurs

the guys at EM4miniatures make some very cheap plastic troopers, perfect for bulking out your army at very little expense

^ Troopers Ref: SFP1 - Set of 5 miniatures. Snap together. Interchangeable weapons and backpacks.

^ Troopers - Command Conversion Kit Ref: SFP6 - random mix of 10 arms to make officer/nco figures from the basic plastic Troopers set. Possible arms are pointing, carrying pistols, SMG's, medikit, comms link, grenade

Scotia Grendel

Scotia Grendel currently produce Kryomek, and Void/Urban War/Metropolis and thus have fuck loads of IG like miniatures to choose from here are just a few

^ KNO-003 Nexus marines Hvy Wpns

^ KNO-012 Nexus SWAT team VI

^ NVO-009 Carrier 209 (Wheeled)

^ 11411 VASA Weapons Pack

^ 31401 VASA Marines

^ 11310 Syntha Marine Grenade Launcher

^ 11109 Marine Scout

^ 11106 Marine Sniper

Privateer Press

I was going to show you some of the nice human figures from  Privateer Press's Warmachine range, but their webstore has recently become impossible to navigate, mainly because it doesn't have a link to any miniatures on it, the nearest thing you will find is the Parts Pages which I'm not going to go through.  


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MarkRG MarkRG
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Re: Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures

cool iv somehow got some of these models, althrough there a little smaller there good iv added them to my IG army.
The sniper looks dam good too and as for the marine scout, they will make a cool alternative for some Cadian Rough Riders.

Game on.
-- Mark RG (Game on)
precinctomega precinctomega
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Re: Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
I'm planning a new Guard army (once I've finished my marines, Necrons and existing Guard army... ho-hum) based on the new Perry Miniatures plastic Napoleonic boxed set:

Here's a shot of what you get for £15:

Let me just repeat that:  £15!!!

General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures

dude if youpull that off you will be my new and powerful god. its a shame they dont have separate arms to drop a lasgun into however krieg catachan and elysian lasguns are all different so why not look like muskets?
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures

In reply to this post by precinctomega
awsome find!

with a little cutting and some plasticard those rifles should be easy to make into lasguns
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Re: Alternative Imperial Guard Miniatures

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
some of those warzone minis are nice , had me some of those blood berets before . unfortunatly they had to be bartered for essential space marine parts ! still got some mishima bushido samurai minis which were good for an easy weapon swap .... the mishima ashigaru squad was pretty simple too .  
will paint for crack !?