Micro Art Studio

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
Micro Art Studio is a company based in Poland [insert your own joke about plumbers and van drivers here that the British will find funny, the polish will find mildly offensive and all others will be indifferent to] ok, thats got that out of the way ...

Home to miniatures by the infamous Ścibor Teleszyński and a few other people less infamous people, Micro Art Studio mostly produce resin miniatures designed to be used along side various GW product lines that they are slightly lower quality copies of.

Having said this, some of their products are quite nice and very useful, here's a few highlights and a few other random products I've pick out for discussion.

Skull Bases 

I bought 2 packs of these (5 bases per pack) from a gaming shop in the Netherlands with the aim of using them to mount my Bloodletters. They also come in all the usual shapes and sizes you get bases in (round, square, big, small, whatever). The round bases (like the ones I got) contain a mixture of human and alien (read Tyranid knock-off) skulls which gives some pretty cool variation. Having skulls on your bases is a great way to make your troops looks awesome and imposing on the battlefield and using resin bases like these certainly works out cheaper than using individual plastic skulls.
Micro Art also make various other textured/decorative bases including Graveyard, Scrap/Trash piles, Cobbled streets, Dead trees, Hi-tech metal panels and even one with a dead LotR-esque troll on it.


^ look it's Rincewind! 

I love Terry Pratchett (who doesn't?) and Micro Art currently produces a few miniatures of  some of Discworld's well known inhabitants. There are 30mm so in theory they will fit in perfectly with your Mordheim collection.  


Micro Art also make several Trolls which are blatant knock-offs of GW's LotR Trolls. They look pretty good from a distance but kinda oddly textured and misshapen up close. They are rather expensive and pretty much redundant because GW new plastic LotR troll gives you the option to make much nicer troll variants along the same lines.

Iron Brotherhood 

those of you who might be looking for Adeptus Mechanicus miniatures might be interested in the Iron Brotherhood line, in addition to the guys above, they have various other partly mechanical robed figures including a guy with awesome looking mechanical steam-punk-ish wings. The wings are also available separately as part of Micro Art's Conversion Lab range

also in the Conversion Lab range are nice little sprues of heads like the one above which are very useful if your converting a character model and need a unique head.

Overall Micro Art Studio is a mixed barrel with some great products and some ... not so great products


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General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: Micro Art Studio

first off, awesome rincewind! i was enraged when the got David Fucking Jason to play him.... he is supposed to be in his twenties! ga!

second- skull bases- awesome. would also make good objectives. price?

troll would make good mutant ogryn

the servitor types are cool. make good mech servitors for an enginseer

top bollocks!
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Micro Art Studio

General Biakal wrote
first off, awesome rincewind! i was enraged when the got David Fucking Jason to play him.... he is supposed to be in his twenties! ga!
yea and the other problem with Del-Boy playing Rincewind is that filming will become very difficult should they choose to make a movie of 'Mort' since David Jason played Albert in The Hogfather.


prices for the awsome skull bases and Micro-Arts other products can be found here:

(sorry about not putting a link in the review, I must be losing it)

and finally the Trolls are much larger than Ogryns/Ogres so that probably wouldn't work so well
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Micro Art Studio

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
++Quick Update++

The Terry Pratchett minis are in fact 40mm and thus too big to use in Mordheim, still they are very very nice!
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Umboman Umboman
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Re: Micro Art Studio

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
"Something Small from Poland".................nice catch phrase! Now this is what I am talking about-over twenty different types of bases for  a reasonable price.With hundreds of miniature Dr Who figures it would drive me nuts trying to make them look different.........I put the seven DR's 'complete' set on green grass to group them together,after Blacktree lost their licence the BBC brought out more Dr's????.....the same happened to my Alpha marketing 3" whitemetal 6 Dr's 'complete' set????I have given up on that now-waste of time/effort/money.Thanks MortiS great tip-I may even put a dalek on the skull base,what do you think?
The Prodigal son