Miniatures Discussion

Discuss and review new miniatures and miniatures you've discovered on the web
by General Biakal • | | 2 comments
everyone moans that GW are expensive, but i think some the indies need to drop their prices... they have the product! this is mint, but its £75.... check them out here
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 10 comments
If you were stranded on a desert island which 8 miniatures would you want with you? In a recent White Dwarf (well 2 White Dwarf's in fact - 377 & 378) Jervis Johnson, in his regular feature Standard Bearer (the name of which always makes me think the Mr J is the only person at GW more
by General Biakal • | | 4 comments
for fucks sake... taken at the lenton HQ 5/6/11
by jogar_t_hutt • | | 1 comment
ok ive been looking for a dragon as a ride for a hero. i cant find anything i like in the regular places so ive been looking at the Mcfarlane's dargons. dose anyone have tips?
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 1 comment
Well Citadel £ineca$t is now on the shelves, GW's annual price rise has been applied and GW's share holders are celebrating even larger profit margins at the expense of their customers. But how is the rest of miniatures industry responding to this? With sales and discounts of course! You see more
by jogar_t_hutt • | | 3 comments
ok seeing you guys know your way round the net can you help me find something. i'm looking for ships old style salling ships for a WHF project i know old glory has some but dont ship to england any ideas?
by General Biakal • | | 0 comments
WHATS THE MODEL? Tau Piranha PRICE? £15.50 WHATS THE THINKING THEN? For this race game we have been doing I wanted "something different", a stand out kind of model, and especially NOT Imperial Guard. 'Cos if i did, it would be AFR Orange and would not look more
by messyart • | | 9 comments
An awesome and huge range of miniatures Just peer over that page for a moment, take it all in Frog warriors The frog warrior range contains not only some fantastic froggy models that would put fear into the staunchest Frenchy but these guys; There are monkeys with guns. There more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 21 comments
Do you want value for money? Do you want the best quality miniatures? Do you want durable miniatures? Well if the answer to all or any of the above is NO then Citadel's new £ine Ca$t range is for you as you'll see from these pictures kindly provided by Game$ Work$hop's website; more
by messyart • | | 7 comments
I was just looking for various weapons to fit in with my zombie game, when I came across this site; They have a beautiful collection of guns, from WWII British rifles, to modern day SA80's and L96's, as well as American, Japanese, Russian {& more
by messyart • | | 1 comment They have a load of very lovely little models, I have yet to peer over the whole site, as of yet Few more interesting ones~ 25mm figures. I'll admit, the details are occasionally awful
by Metropolis • | | 11 comments
I want one!
by LostamongtheBarrens • | | 5 comments
I was looking at this board game review look around 2:15-2:20 minutes into the video. I want that toad miniature! I tried to see if ebay had it as spare pieces but no seller seemed to have. Any way there would more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 8 comments
So last month saw the released of Dredknight, which was the most ridiculous model I'd seen in a while ... until now! Well done on the not bringing out stupid looking models front GW - you almost made it up to an entire month and that's not the worst of it yet ... the same kit also more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 13 comments
Hi everyone, thought I'd post up the latest Mantic stuff. Good to see them keeping up the same pace of releases, hopefully we'll see a good few more armies from them then perhaps some more units for established armies. Here's the basic Orc sprue: And the command sprue: Looks more
by General Biakal • | | 19 comments
this is MEDICAL FACT ladies and germs. i was told in very definate terms by a GW employee that in the very near future all metal GW products will change to a resin cast. yes, ALL METAL GW MODELS WILL BE RESIN INSTEAD. apparently many new staff have been set on to handle this change. more
by General Biakal • | | 15 comments
my first ever mini was an undead skelton, with a goats skull, a robe and holding a scythe abve his head with both hands. i bought it off jonathan smith at school for £1 (i think) and i was always hacked off it was a little shorter than the box of plastic skeletons i got not long after! more
by General Biakal • | | 6 comments
it should have been so nice... yesterday I ordered my Trojan from the Lenton store, and at 4.30pm today I was told it was ready to be collected. this is what i bought: the confusion mostly came from how this model fits together and has abstract concepts like "straight lines" more
by General Biakal • | | 6 comments
on wednesday night, 10pm i ordered this: command centre and on saturday morning, 8.45 it was delivered... it is pretty much exactly as shown on the site. the chair is two part and metal, the desks are resin. the small one is one piece, the large one two piece. its not took paint as more
by jogar_t_hutt • | | 3 comments
ok so it is a commenly agreed or it seems to be that GW troops are 28mm & the same with wargames factory etc so with the idea that "if its 28mm its 28mm" i brought some victrix napoleonic grenadiers with the soul idea of comverting them. imagen my horror when i compeard 1 with more
by Metropolis • | | 6 comments
I mean look at the Dread Knight (which BTW not only has a really stupid name but also makes the Blood Angel's Librarian Dreadnought look like a sensible idea) Come to think of it ... you know what would make more sense in it's place: A Squat Weapon Smith After seeing the above by more
by MortiS-the-Lost • | | 14 comments
So 40k recently got some monster model's (as part of the Dark Eldar army) which makes a nice change from minor variants on existing troop types (mostly space marines) and extra huge vehicles we've been seeing a lot of in recent years. Finally here's something fresh and different! (Don't worry more
by BobbieTheDamned • | | 1 comment
NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION. I certainly didn't when I clicked onto Victoria Miniatures webstore. I have to have those, despite the fact they're amazingly expensive. Victoria Lamb is better known for some of her amazing Golden Demon entries: but her store has some more
by jogar_t_hutt • | | 0 comments
if you dont know them they are makers of resin bunkers, armoured walls, genarators etc quite simple some of the best resin ive seen (even better some others) & for the price youl find hard to beat
by messyart • | | 4 comments
I like to be short and sweet, and like to totally screw up the concept. So, I want to make an off-road 'ting for my IG, as rough riders. Now.. I've been pondering the idea of making something nice and poseable and trying to re-produce it.. Which brings me to as terrible issue. I suck more
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