If you were stranded on a desert island which 8 miniatures would you want with you?
In a recent White Dwarf (well 2 White Dwarf's in fact - 377 & 378) Jervis Johnson, in his regular feature Standard Bearer (the name of which always makes me think the Mr J is the only person at GW with any standards any more) did a sort of favourite (Citadel) miniatures of all time thing based around the Desert Island Discs idea. (For those of you reading this who don't buy WD or read the store copy and still don't buy it, I will summarize here and urge you not to bother buying WD).
The concept is as follows: Pick 8 miniatures from different periods of your hobby experience and talk about how they influenced you at the time. Because this was in White Dwarf (and because GW seem to keep Jervis in a cupboard to keep him from seeing what GW is doing to the hobby) Jervis was restricted to Citadel Miniatures and further restricted to ones that GW currently has available (meaning he had hardy any nice minis left to choose from). Anyway we here on The Lost and The Damned Forum are not so restricted – so here's an idea for a discussion ...
Pick your 8 'Desert Island Minis' and talk about them and how they influenced your hobby
They can be any miniatures from any company, any period, whether they are currently available or not as long as you like them and they has some influence on you (they don't even have to be ones you own)
Please include pictures as part of your post so we can see the miniatures you are talking about and please don't just make a list of your top 8 miniatures - take a few lines to talk about each miniature you've chosen and why (and if you'd like you can also include a luxury item and a book)
I will be posting my own choices later
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