Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

Posted by messyart messyart
I was just looking for various weapons to fit in with my zombie game, when I came across this site;
They have a beautiful collection of guns, from WWII British rifles, to modern day SA80's and L96's, as well as American, Japanese, Russian {& Soviet}, Vietnamese weaponry from a few eras.

Now my one worry is scale, they say 28mm, but as we know.. GW players like me are used to 28mm scale being somewhat beefy.
I sent them an email requesting photos of these guns against things like 25mm bases, and they kindly offered to send me a couple of samples! :3

Combining this with the M16's and P90's I just bought off of Hasslefree, I might have a decent couple of Z hunters made for myself e_e


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messyart messyart
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Re: Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

And another one!

Some nice models in there ~
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

In reply to this post by messyart
I remeber you saying you'd found these weapons a little small. I'd completely forgotten about the Maximini weapons:

Slightly cartoon-y  but still very recognisable as the weapons they're ment to be, they do a few other sets too (a nice M246 and Barrett sniper). Prices are a little high I guess but they're very nice quality. See my review of the 'M-guns' set here. Oh and here's a terrible shot of a plastic catachan armed with one:
messyart messyart
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Re: Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

In reply to this post by messyart
I have been looking over their guns, but the price and, as you pointed out, the slightly cartoony look puts me off a bit.
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

Yeah the price is a little much if you plan on buying a lot of them, odd ones for characters wouldn't add up to much though. Especially if other people wanted some packs could be shared out.

If you're sticking with GW plastic figures for the basis of your characters you'll always need a slightly silly looking gun or it'll just end up looking weedy. Also as you're only using generic terms for weapons in your rules I can't see them looking a little different from the real weapons being a huge problem.

messyart messyart
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Re: Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

I don't think I'll be sticking to GW models. Bit too chunky for what I'm after, now.
Moreso, I'm hoping to start creating some of my own models who'll be carrying some of the guns I do end up liking.

Cheers, though. You've been very helpful :3
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
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Re: Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

In reply to this post by BobbieTheDamned
i'm with rob on this jugding from the IG with M16A1 (& as some1 how an m16) the resever is to big it should be slightly smaller then the guys head its about the right lenth but that resever puts me off
messyart messyart
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Re: Some interesting 28mm modern weaponry!

I've certainly not disagreed with Rob.

Hence being so reserved in buying any of those guns.
If I am going to shell out that kind of money, I'd want far better.
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.