replacement waveserpent

Posted by jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
ok guys i need some idears i'm reworking my step-son's eldar and he would like to add some waveserpents  BUT we both agree that the GW 1 is just lazy so i've been looking for a replacement and thats where hit a wall i cant find anything that works any idears?


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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: replacement waveserpent

40k (28/30mm) or Epic (5mm)?
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
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Re: replacement waveserpent

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: replacement waveserpent

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
As I remember there was a good article in WD about a million years ago where they did a Wave Serpent conversion from a Falcon. I'm sure most people would let you just use a Falcon with a different turret if you've already got any on hand. Good organic looking vehicles are a bit few and far between.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: replacement waveserpent

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
Hmm Tricky ... (epic would have been easier)

the most immediate thing that springs to mind is to wait and see what Mantic come up with for their Space Elves

If you're particularly looking for a non-GW I'll have a search round and see what I can come up with

If (like me) you think the GW isn't interesting or different from the falcon enough; I remember there being an article in a late 90's WD that gave instructions for building a Waveserpent based around the falcon hull that extended and re-shaped it with plasti-card (and a spoon!) to look like the contemporary Epic Wave serpent  

I can't find any pictures of the WD online (I will scan pictures later) but here's a picture of one someone has built from the same instructions

 ^ A scratch-built Wave Serpent flanked by 2 modern Wave Serpents (one of which is probably from Forge World)

also if you want a really different looking Wave Serpent check out this radically different one by ArmorCast based on the very old Epic Waveserpent ...

these have of course been out of production for many long years, but you may want to have a stab at scratch-building your own one

 ^ terrible picture but shows the size compared with an Eldar foot troop

here's a few other home brew Wave Serpents I've seen online that might inspire you

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
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Re: replacement waveserpent

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
see the problem is the standard falcan serpent is just lazy & boring & the classic 1 could be updated so beautifully but its a bit intimadating for me but i mite try
messyart messyart
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Re: replacement waveserpent

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
You only get out what you put in.
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.