general biakal here... 31, nottingham, england, Imperial Guard general extro_ordin_aire, drives a saab 93. sweet.
thought id better add a bit more. Im 31 (just, october the 18th) and collect imperial guard. I bought my first mini in march 2008, which was a cadian HW team. I now have 1500pts or so, with the fair majority of it painted (yes 6 months). In 2000 i had a very brief dalliance with necromunda which saw me buy a catachan 20 man box set, a gang and a bit of delaque and a few paints. I also nicked a shed load of paints of my mate when he got bored of it too and the are what I still use today. i must be one of the few people with the old style round flip tops. i miss cool colours that they have sinced binned like ghoul grey and worm purple.
As a boy i had a small undead army with a skull chucker and horses and so on. I didnt have any white paint and couldnt afford any so painted the skeltons mithril silver and claimed they were silver plated (counts as light armour). i got laughed at loads for my silver skeltons but my how i laugh when i look at necrons now.
The general of my army is called General Enoch Biakal and he leads the 349th Clarybodis Prime combined assault force. i have much more fluff of my army which i will share soon.
i work in IT, collect minis and have a girlfriend so thats one stereotype im smashing.
i like bit-parting very much and hope to share my battlefield objectives soon: observation post, war grave, fuel dump and vehicle repair depot.
fave mini- well, right now the officer in my second HQ squad who is rocking a storm bolter, powerfist and the officers head off the tank spure. it kicks.
best vehicle- my sentinel with long range fuel tank and smoke launchers.
picks to follow.
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch