card based gaming

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card based gaming


how do we feel about card based gaming such as magic, the gathering etc?

this is where i stand, i dont get it! now i can see where if your using them as "this elf has this, this & this & a magic hoola hoop" (sorry it got away from me there) that i can get i dont have a problem with but i would like to see a nicely painted model, & or good convertion

my problem is its nothing but cards ....i dont get it .....ive seen people wet themselves over one bloody card & just want to slap them, one of my kids got into it in a big way some time ago & when they asked for £25 for a tin of 18 cards you just want to scream. Its gotten so bad that now anytime i see someone playing anything like that i start reading there future like a tarot deck just to take the piss

sorry little rant is over any like to add anything?
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Re: card based gaming

A long, long time ago I was a Magic player, a time where this game was different, the cards had a different shape, a different cost, a different power...
I think the game degenerates in the last 10 years in terms of  game balance and money investment (expansions over expansions and super powerful cards that become useless after the next expansions...).
By the way the "hoola hoop" effect always persists during the editions, cards games are not "realistic" they're more strategic/math games.
Thet's why I quit with Magic, too expensive, too arid. But good artworks!
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Re: card based gaming

Richie the Orc
In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
Nope don't get it either!! Much prefer  a good board game or miniatures game.
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Re: card based gaming

Got quite a few of the old sets of magic which I play with. They are great to take on holiday for rainy nights with the kids and to be honest the rules are a heck of a lot easier to play and understand (and even work out) than some of the 'kids' games like Yu-gi-oh.

I know some people go crazy for building there own decks and that can cost a lot of money if you want specific cards and you get ripped off by some of the sellers, but if you get the pre-built decks for £5-£10.

You have simple small games that you can store away for those rainy evenings and you don't have to have a degree in numeracy and the eye sight of the bionic man to read and play things like Yu-gi-oh and other games like that.

There are games out there using deck systems with figures as well. Sort of combined wargames and deck building.

Boardgames are always nice and fun as well but sometimes not practical in all situations.