an intoduction to the world of me

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an intoduction to the world of me

hi all. I'm Paul though most people call me yote or other things. I'm relatively new to wargaming and have started with warhammer 40k. i chose to collect a space marines blood angels army as i love there back history. i have some modeling skills and a very basic painting ability. I am still learning the rules but looking to get some actual games in soon.

some other random info about me,
I'm 21
i just qualified with a national diploma in games development.
i write fantasy stories
and i got to use a javelin training system
if youd like to know any more feel free to ask
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Re: an intoduction to the world of me

well mate welcome to the jungle, are you in the west wiltshire area il give you a battle sometime if close. the beagle
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: an intoduction to the world of me

I live in the joyful Trowbridge, and that sound cool
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Re: an intoduction to the world of me

sorted i work near by, i will get back to you for a game soon. The beagle
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: an intoduction to the world of me

In reply to this post by bunny-yote
Why the nickname "yote"?
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Re: an intoduction to the world of me

the reason being, i play a lot of fantasy text based rpgs, in with i am an anthropomorphic bunny-coyote hybrid, yote is short for coyote. so for some reason that's what i always end up getting called.
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Re: an intoduction to the world of me

After looking it up, Yote also seems to be some sort of African board game.