What changes would you like in 6th Edition?

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What changes would you like in 6th Edition?

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Re: What changes would you like in 6th Edition?

I would like to see things that GW will never approve.

For example:
1. A more realistic assault phase, where only the miniatures in base contact can fight and where each miniature can only wound the miniature he's fighting;
2. A different way to conceive the equipment for every single miniature, so I could choice every weapon and upgrade for every model in the unit;
3. Rules for new races/miniatures creation (with the Vehicle Design Rules you can create your own vehicles, it could be great it were possible to create a new unit too, with a balanced points value)
4. A new way to run the player's turn. I don't know... the game could be more dynamic if every unit had a certain number of actions, For example 2 actions per unit ('move+fire' or 'double move' or 'move+assault' but never 'assault+assault' or 'fire+fire' and -1 action if the unit commander is dead, the heavy support can be activated every two turns), and when a unit has completed his actions, it will be the other player to activate one of his unit, and so on...;
5. When a unit runs away after a failed Ld save I think it's more realistic if it ran to the nearest repair (instead of the table edge), and if it arrived save to the repair it could be activated again only after a successful Ld test;
6. Some rules that simulates the radio-link communications between the HQ and the other units. So if the HQ is killed or the radio-link is broken there will be a sort of penalty;
7. Reintroduction of penalty on long ranged shoots;
8. Real rules for more than 2 players;

Whoops! If I find the way to hack the models stats I've just invented my free WH40K edition, I think I don't need any 6th edition...

- - - - - - - - -

By the way, I've read the 6th edition will be less competitive than the 5th, so any game will be enjoyable even if a player will lose and the creation of the army will be a little different, so it will be more difficult for veterans player make a killer army... uhm...  They want to erase the "competitive variable" in a wargame
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Re: What changes would you like in 6th Edition?

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Re: What changes would you like in 6th Edition?

General Biakal
In reply to this post by Removed
i think what 40k ACTUALLY needs is a 5.5

going through the rules with a fine tooth comb, including every errata and FAQ, clear up every rule people have questions on. clear up the nightfighting. clear up the difference between Fearless and ATSKNF. you know the stuff

basically a complete re vamp keepeng essentially the same rules.

what i think will happen is maybe a change like 8th saw- terrain having a much more direct effect on games (holding an ammo dump gives you twin linked for example) or holy on unholy buildings giving furious charge or what not.

i pretty much am sure little things like needing LOS to charge is comming, as is a change to rapid fire.

i also expect MORE scenarios and missions
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Re: What changes would you like in 6th Edition?

In reply to this post by Removed
Ok, now 6th edition is out.
Suppose everyone of us takes a quick look to the new rulebook.
My question is: "Is this 6th edition of vital importance?"

I see minor changes (useless changes I think, except for the alliance between armies), some new rules that basically remembered me some trial rules appeared in WD during the 3rd edition age (Psychic powers, points-purchasable buildings...), and... uh... nothing else?
I don't want to be misunderstood, I like this 6th edition, I like the core rules didn't change too much, but I'm convinced that there was no need of a new edition...

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