Well met friends.

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Well met friends.

My name is Paul. I collect all types of games workshop minatures including old school blood bowl but mostly 40k and Fantasy, I also collect Mantic minatures. I am currently working on a Vampire counts army for fantasy and a blood angels army for 40k pretty much have all the models for easily over 3,000 points each just gotta paint them all now. Me and my mate are regular gamers although recently we have been playing Space hulk more due to its nostalgic routes and due to some kick ass models in the collectors edition. I like to get into my games in great detail for instance recently started collecting vampire counts army after about 10 years break from collecting undead and i threw myself into it with the latest codex, rifling through old copy's of white dwarf for undead articles and paint schemes and then even bought Vampire Wars the trilogy book for all the backgound....to be fair the vamps do kick ass though both in their look and in their play style..ive never been one for just sitting at the back and shooting i like to make it personal!!!
Message me if you want or try adding me on xbox live (bleedingstraw) or PSN (forever_mourning) or on steam (WarjaX) just make sure to message me who you are and where youve heard of me otherwise i will delete the request.

...."Serve me in life...or serve me in death"...."your choice"....
=== Serve me in life or serve me in death....your choice===
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Re: Well met friends.

Hail! and well met, Paul!
Welcome to The Lost and the Damned Forum, big fan of the undead myself, I look forward to seeing some of your miniatures

Glad to read that you like getting into the background of your armies, it's an all-too-often overlooked aspect of the hobby

hope you enjoy the forum
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Well met friends.

In reply to this post by WarjaX
Welcome aboard, looks like you'll enjoy the forum.

Blood Angles and Vampire Counts at the same time? bit of a sanguinary theme going on there.

What're you collecting out of the mantic range?
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Re: Well met friends.

General Biakal
In reply to this post by WarjaX
YAAAAY! another 40k player! thank Xenu!!! all thses D+D geeks were busting my nuts!

look forward to hearing about your BA force!

welcome x
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: Well met friends.

In reply to this post by WarjaX
Welcome aboard WarjaX!
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
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Re: Well met friends.

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by WarjaX