Well Met!

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Well Met!


Greenstuff_Gav (aka khornes_rage) here, forfilling my promise to Rob + Mort to sign up :)
not overly active on the forums i frequent, but do lurk rather well :)

so, a little intro is in order... been gaming since somewhere about '93 (Necromunda was my first major gaming focus :D ) having visited all of GWs games and even worked for 'em, myself and Ian running GW Bath when it was in the little store (pre pizza hut days!)

As with many, i become disillusioned with 40k3.5 and left GW (as an employer and a hobby!) and lost my way for a bit.
Eventually, Rackhams Confrontation v2 lured me back with their awesome minis and Warmachine also gained some attention, along with a  rekindled passion for Inquisitor.
Along with teaching myself sculpting for conversions, Inquisitor and Malifaux are my main drives and have even written a couple of games myself :)

On the Here-And-Now, i've got a Heresy Not-Delaque gang for Necromunda, Pan Oc for Infinity, all converted to resemble Combine from Half Life 2, Undead for Confrontation (any of the systems, but the new AoB is naff!), finishing up an Ork Warbiker Army for 40k and Gremlins for Malifaux.
For Inquisitor i'm currently working on The First Founding Project, where i plan on converting each of the First Founding Chapters in 54mm (including casting a Helmet + Shoulder Pad booster pack for each chapter!) then writing appropriate background (as mused about in My Article for Dark Magenta) :D
Currently writing an inquisitor campaign and a Left 4 Dead zombie huntin' game (based on the OOP Xtreme Zombie Hunters) :D

otherwise pretty standard affair; i buy more than i paint but luckily, thanks to Triple Helix, i game exactly as much as i should :D
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Re: Well Met!

General Biakal
cool- hope to see some minis soon- necromunda was an early love of mine too!

"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: Well Met!

In reply to this post by greenstuff_gav
Good to see you decided to join!

Have to say that photo doesn't do your orks any favours, they looked great on the table.

How well does Malifaux play? Been trying to get my girlfriend into some more games and she quite likes the minis for Malifaux but I've heard very little about it.

Almost glad I didn't start writing my zombie rules now, we seem to be collecting people who are writing their own! Though I guess mine would be the only set with shamblers rather than runners.
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Re: Well Met!

Malifaux is a nice change; it's got alot of different tactics and playstyles, combined with the "cheat fate" rule and different scenarios makes each game unique :)
if you and your gf want a demo, i can bring a couple of crews to Helix and run through the basic rules :)

i gots Runners, Crawlers and Pygmies covered in the basic ruleset... working on Tanks and rebalancing shooting next (it's a but underpowered!) :lol:
i like things to be simple.. you only ever need 3 dice :D
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Re: Well Met!

In reply to this post by greenstuff_gav
Well met indeed!

good to have you aboard

Zombie games seem to be popular around here at the moment so I'm sure you'll have plenty to talk about in that area and I look forward to seeing some of your excellent miniatures grace our gallery pages
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Well Met!

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by greenstuff_gav
You seem almost too qualified for this forum.  
Love the Gorkamorka stuff.
You website seems very thorough, by the way.  Lots of great tips.

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Re: Well Met!

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Re: Well Met!

In reply to this post by greenstuff_gav
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