For those of you who don't read the
Mantic Blog (and why not?) here's some up coming miniatures for Kings of War that will be released over the course of 2012
Coming up next month will be the first of the Twilight Kin (you know ever since the release of a certain crappy book series that word makes me flinch). The Twilight Kin are your Dark Elf types in KoW and there are 2 units to be released in February - Spearmen and Crossbowmen - and of course there will be new rules and an army list for them too!
Twilight Kin Spearmen![](
Twilight Kin CrossbowmenIt's not clear from the blog whether they are going to be all plastic or plastic with metal parts like the Abyssal Dwarfs, but personally I'm hoping they will be all plastic - plastic bodies with metal arms, heads and so on makes for top heavy figures and Mantic bases are quite hard to weigh down (the Abyssal Dwarf minis got away with it because of their hight but it was a problem with the Skeleton Archers). Of course they could take the rout of plastic with plastic-resin parts to keep the weight down
There's also some goblins coming up too! There will be a metal unit of Goblin Spearmen, followed by a plastic unit of Goblin Archers. Yea I don't need any more gobbos in my collection but it's nice to see new ones!
The Undead are getting something new soon as well - described as 'a powerful mini unit' it could be anything ... personally I'd like to see mummies or some kind of monster or construct (and I know Rob would like some armoured vampires on foot)
and Abyssal Dwarfs will be getting plastic-resin 'Half Breeds' which are a cavalry choice - so it looks like they might be Centaur types judging from the current Abyssal Dwarf range
Bull Centaur type Abyssal Dwarf Lord from the current range... and other Abyssal Dwarf units will be out around the same time
But what do you think?
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!
Re: Upcoming 2012 Releases from Mantic!