Umm, Hi... I'm Vanyun... and I like to paint minis...

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Umm, Hi... I'm Vanyun... and I like to paint minis...

Hey everyone,

Thought I would give a little back story since I have joined here. I actually stumbled across this site from googling HeroQuest miniatures and finding Sjeng's post.

I just hit my 30s and actually am trying to find activities outside of the computer. So I have recently picked back up reading, and the latest, painting minis. I am a fan of Fantasy RPGs / Medieval style ... well anything in that aspect. I most likely would have liked living in that time but I also know that I wouldn't have been anything spectacular like a knight but more likely a peasant that rakes up excrement.

But back to reality... I'm glad to have stumbled across this site and I have already found some great ideas to expand my current board games from here. I have posted up some of my painted miniatures (from DarkWorld) yesterday which contain a few minis painted from my middle school days and the rest are ones I have painted recently.
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Re: Umm, Hi... I'm Vanyun... and I like to paint minis...

Welcome lad. First thing;
For new paints, look up Coat'd'arms or something like that. Mortis would say more, but they're good paints at good prices.

If you need any tips, feel free to ask and we love to hear ideas for games, see photos of games in play & write-ups of events.
I suggest you look into Morts Mortis Quest photos for some nicely painted monsters and such, it'll possibly inspire!
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
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Re: Umm, Hi... I'm Vanyun... and I like to paint minis...

just adding my welcome "hello"
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Re: Umm, Hi... I'm Vanyun... and I like to paint minis...

In reply to this post by Bertlor

vanyun wrote
I'm glad to have stumbled across this site and I have already found some great ideas to expand my current board games from here.
I can confirm, you will find out that this forum is a sort of "random ideas generator"!
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +