i has Khador :D
my 35pt list is:
'zerker (Bill)
'zerker (Ben)
Kodiak (Davy)
Kodiak (Jones)
Manhunter (soon to be replaced by Mechanics :P )
while my 50 adds a full Doom Reaver mob and full Mechanic crew and 2 mortars :D
not wanting any squishy human things, i've converted my Mortar Crew out of merc 'jack thingys and Cygnar bomb-jacks
the Man Hunter is the same merc 'jack, but upright :D
all i need now are some suitable robots to replace the Doom Reavers and the Mechanics (i've got official minis, but want to change 'em :P )
Re: So Warmachine then...
Re: So Warmachine then...
Re: So Warmachine then...