Re: Introduction

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Re: Introduction

Jack Flash
Hi mark - my name is Phil  and live in westbury wilts. I am fairly new to wargaming and my son and I have Orcs mainly in wargaming.
Seeing those model soldiers from Britans - is my true love. I enjoy painting them and creating battles for myself. Got nowhere to display them - 1000's - all purchased originally as toys for me in the 60's and my son as he grew up in the 90's he played with them and built them up. We both prefer Napoleonic war models but after seeing Zulu 100 times - we have a strong force of 24th regt of Foot and obligatory Zulus.
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Re: Introduction

exelent phil my other half  Katka is  from Czech rep last year i went to see the battle of the 3 emperas reconstuction and it was great, they have a american playing Napolieon,  If you look futher back into my past posts their is and web site about it. sorry no proper link i didant now how todo them then.
sorry im in a rush il speak to you later.

Game on.
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: Introduction

In reply to this post by Jack Flash
welcome to the Lost and The Damned
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~