PROJECT: Heavy Infantry weapons team

Posted by General Biakal General Biakal
grenadier heavy weapons

"The shoulder mounted missile launcher issued to Guard squads is a very versatile weapon, capable of engaging a variety of target profiles and under ideal conditions witll provide exceptional accuracy at all ranges"
Tactica Imperium

"Whats these "ideal conditions"? if you hit... and I mean IF- it goes bang. lots of noise and smoke and it looks fully badass- till the tank you shot at rolls right on by, with hardly a scratch..."
Trooper R Geen, Heavy weapons team.

i rebeled with this- i fucking HATE the large heavy weapons team base. you cant transport them, the look shit. so i dropped this one on a bike base- and I think it looks better. this will go with the heavy infantry squad which i expect will have a more defensive "objective squatting" role


this model uses the valkyrie door gunners as foor troops, the normal cadian heavy missile and heads, the ammo is from the space marine missile launcher and the right hand of the loader is a conversion- it is the right hand of a Ungor. its larger size is hidden by painting it like a glove- genius

that said the basing on this model is pretty poor indeed...  rush job i am afraid


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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: PROJECT: Heavy Infantry weapons team

Excellent! you're doing really well with your foot troops these days

I've always been a advocate of the idea of putting miniatures on as small a base as possible, making them not only easier to fit in a case, but also easier to fit on, between and around bits of terrain when gaming (for playing games on my 3D dungeon set-up it is vital!)
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: PROJECT: Heavy Infantry weapons team

In reply to this post by General Biakal
BUT in 40k it is SORT OF modeling for advantage, as blast weapons and charge ranges have a relationship with base sizes. i literally had to mae a stand though- as i feel the supplied bases are just TOO big and clumsy.
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