This is my latest work to be finished, I've not done a lot of sci-fi recently so this has been a bit of a release.
This is Hummel drone from Ma.K (Machinen krieger), I got it from Japan and it cost me a pretty penny as I got slammed for import duty.
The kit is of a Drone rocket fighter used by the Strahl Defence Forces, its derived from a manned version of this craft called a Fledermaus (Bat), the kit gives you a manned cockpit but I bought the kit as the Hummel version (Hummel means Bumble Bee in German)
I thought the Drone version needed some spicing up, so I gave it a bit of German WW2 nightfighter treatment, I scratchbuilt the radar aerials on the front, which is pretty much the main changes I made.
Here's what it looks like.
Re: Nightfighter Drone
Re: Nightfighter Drone
Re: Nightfighter Drone
Re: Nightfighter Drone