New WHFB box set

Posted by BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
Just as I've resigned to not buying GW stuff anymore they release some ok looking High Elves and skaven in one box.....shit.

The new box set 

^quite nice skaven warlord.

^skaven engineer looks a bit plain but passable. His gun looks like a star wars blaster to me for some reason, must be the bell-ended barrel (oi no sniggering) and scope combo.

^ details on the rat ogre's are kinda cool, don't like the small heads but I've got the multi-part rat ogre's so I guess I can just do a headswap.

^ awesome skaven mortar, probably not one for the dungeon games (hmm mortars indoors) but still very cool.

^how high elves should look, those make the current multi-parts look awful.

I'm not to fussed about the new rules, or the skaven clanrat regiments for that matter, but the high elves look good. The skaven characters look cool too. Will I be buying the £60 set? probably not, might pick it up at Triple Helix at £54, or I might just wait for one of the online sites like Bitzbox to buy a few and part out the figures.


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Talsin Talsin
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Re: New WHFB box set

I too am thinking of picking this up, but for me its the griffin rider that caught me.

trouble is i got far to much on me painting table to justify starting a new army.

Curse you GW.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New WHFB box set

In reply to this post by BobbieTheDamned
Yea the High Elves are looking pretty good, kinda like an updated version of the ones from the 4th edition box (I thought the 6th edition multiparts were pretty nice though).

the Skaven are ... well ... mediocre, a few nice details here and there, but citadel can (used to) do a lot better

the Rat Ogres I don't care for a all, they suffer from the same sculpting and molding problems as the recent plastic Minotaurs and the River Trolls.

think I'll wait and see if Mantic do Rat-men ...
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: New WHFB box set

In reply to this post by BobbieTheDamned
Yeah strange after I spent part of Sunday ranting that the old single pose plastic elves were the best that a few days later they've basicly released an updated version of them.

I agree that some of the skaven are pretty poor, particularly the 'fur' on the rat ogres, it looks more like spiny quills than fur.

Mantic rat men can't be far off, from what I've heard from Gencon the orcs are going to be coming soon possibly at the same time as their rules (October) but my brain might be making that up.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New WHFB box set

yes Mantic Orcs are in the works, an Orc head appears on the Dwarf sprue!
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: New WHFB box set

In reply to this post by BobbieTheDamned
i like the skaven ones... the rat ogres are quite gruesome and bizzare... the old ones just look like "big rats" but these look like some kind of freaky frankenstein type things... propper mutants... the mortar im not over keen on but the characters look pretty nice.

iv always fancied a skaven army and these models look coolio, especially as i bet the are as basic as the black reach ones
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Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: New WHFB box set

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
MortiS-the-Lost wrote
the Rat Ogres I don't care for a all, they suffer from the same sculpting and molding problems as the recent plastic Minotaurs and the River Trolls.
I exactly thought the same thing when I see them. I want to remember to add the boars to the list of the new GW horrors.

With objectivity I think it's a nice box, it's not bad. Some miniatures are really nice!

But I will never buy it... as you know I don't appreciate GW philosophy, the rules-set doesn't attract me, and I assure you in Italy the price is a real insult!

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Scumdog47 Scumdog47
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Re: New WHFB box set

In reply to this post by BobbieTheDamned
The rat ogres do look a bit "pin head".

I like the Warlord though and some of the minis look like they could be fun to paint.

As for the elves, they're not all bad but the feathers on the griffon looked like...well, they didn't look good.

Still, my buddy got the box fairly cheap (some sort of special deal at the mail order store) so our gang got our filthy mitts on the stuff at reasonable pricing.