So GW are doing some more releases for the skaven, and as per the first wave there are some nice models and some that are in my opinion absolute crap.
^Skaven Abomination £30^I think this thing just looks horrible, and not in a good way. I just can't see the Skaven making something like this, I have no idea what its actually ment to have been created from (the lower limbs must come from something giant-sized). Poorly thought out and just plain stupid looking model. Not even going to start on the price.
^Ikit Claw Skaven Warlock Engineer £10^This guy looks ok, seems like he's the skaven equivelent to Nikola Tesla, which I guess explains his high tech looking gear (especially for skaven). However he seems to be very tall (looks like he's at least as tall as a man) and £10 for one skaven is simply unacceptable pricing.
^Skaven Doom-Flayer Team £12^Now onto something I thought was actually good: the mini doom-wheel, because that's what it is. Not a new idea but that's why it works quite well, I can also see this working well in Mortis quest games. Price is a bit much but at least you get a fairly large model, Triple Helix's price will probably be more to my liking.
^Skaven Warp-grinder Team £8.50^This release is possibly even more aproprate for Dungeon games, as I'd imagine if the skaven had something like that they'd certainly be using it to drill access-ways into other peoples dungeons/sewers.
Re: New Skaven
Re: New Skaven
Re: New Skaven
Re: New Skaven
Re: New Skaven