New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
It's been pointed out that we haven't reviewed any Games Workshop miniatures here yet and the only time any of us mention GW is when we moan about the prices so just to prove the people who pointed that out wrong I'm going to review some GW miniatures or more specifically some Chaos Miniatures. Like many of us here I'm a big fan of Chaos (hardly a surprise what with our website being called The Lost and The Damned) and with the release of yet another Chaos Army Book on the horizon I though it was about time we took a look at the upcoming Chaos miniatures

Now where to start ...

At first glance I like these, I need some Chaos Hounds for my Beastman Warband and one of aims was to have the whole Warband consist entirely of plastic miniatures (back when I started the Warband that would have been a challenge) and at £12.00 for a box of 10 it's not too badly priced considering some of GW's other products and the recent price increases. And it looks like all the complaining I've been doing about the quality of the new plastics might have done some good – GW claim that “Each of the Warhounds is differently posed and can be further customised by mixing up the 30 horns supplied” after reading this I looked at the picture more closely, then I realized something ...

yes that right! The new Chaos Hounds are Direwolves with more meat and fur attached ... oh and some horns thrown in for good measure.

Now for the new plastic calvary

Both the Knights and Marauder Horsemen look very nice indeed, I've glad to they've finally got round to making some proper Chaos Mounts instead of just using the same ones as humans get but with different heads. I won't moan about the prices, we all know their expensive and GW know that all it takes is a moment of weakness and we'll buy them no matter what the price.

The Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount is equally as awesome and like all good mounted chaos miniatures should evokes memory's of Frank Frazetta's painting 'Deathbringer'. But at £18 ... oops I said I wouldn't moan about the prices.

the Champion of Khorne is a bit of a let down and looks no where nears as cool as it's predecessor standing on a pile of skull and with his axe raised

fortunately GW have moved this miniature to their classics range (although I personally don't think it's old enough to be considered a classic as such) the bad news is that the price increases have put this miniature's price up to a whopping great .... opp sorry again, I won't moan about the prices.

Finally we come to the new Nurgle Sorcerer

Nurgle is probably my favorite chaos god and ... WHAT?! £10 FOR A SINGLE MODEL ON FOOT?!?! .... fuck this 'not complaining about the prices' business ... this is just silly ... no one is going to want to buy a single model on foot for £10 ... it's not even a very nicely sculpted miniature... it's ugly... and not even in a cool deformed by chaos kinda way ... it's just a rubbish miniature.


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BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

agh after having writen a lengthy reply to this yesterday my browser crashed out. So hopefully this will work second time arround!

I agree with you Mortis on the hounds, look pretty cool and will fit in with beastmen really well. Up for splitting a box of them?

The chaos knights look awesome, not so keen on the mounted maruders though.

The chaos Lord on horse is really cool. Lots of detail on there that seems to hark back to older figures. Only problem is that he's obviously completely static so if you try and put him in a unit with the knights he's going to look really out of place and weird  (unless you swap his horse for a plastic one or convert it or something).

The khorne lord looks ok, bit flat in places, and is it just me or does his headgear look remarkably like Kharn the betrayers?

The sorcerer is completely overpriced. £10 for one metal figure is complete rubbish, hell the new captain scarius (a much more detail and bigger figure) is only £7, so how the hell does that make sense?

One thing I've spotted on the GW store that has slipped by me before is the fairly nice ork baracades:

Think they'll be good for Gorka Morka for just general table gubbinz or for making up part of a fort.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

Yea sure I'll split a box of the new Direwolves Chaos Hounds when they're out

after reading your comment and looking back at the new Khorne Champion, yea I gotta say Khaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn! (sorry couldn't resist an opportunity to do that)

yea I like the Ork barricades, especially the one that is just half an upended GorkaMorkA Trukk, but can't help but think that most of us here could scratch build our own equally nice Orky barricades
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

 That wouldbe kahn not kharn hehe out geeked!

I agree they're not hard to scratchbuild but the GW ones are a fair price and would just need painting up to be table ready.
MarkRG MarkRG
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

Yeah they do look cool, i tried to order some gubbins from GW and they don,t do them anymore which is pants as i prefer to custom make my conversions from the basic hulls. (pants) more money GW won,t be getting from me.
-- Mark RG (Game on)
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

In reply to this post by BobbieTheDamned
No that would be 'Khan'  
but me going Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! wouldn't make much sense ...
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
precinctomega precinctomega
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
I adore the new Khorne champion.  I think he's a vast improvement over Gary "Hamfist" Morley's version.

General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
heh! awesome shatner reference mortis!

i think the placcy drop pod is very nice and the assault cannon looks good.
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
Scumdog47 Scumdog47
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Re: New Chaos miniatures: the good, the bad and the pricey

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Well, after having looked at the new chaos minis I think I'm sorely tempted to buy at least a box of knights and the new Khorne champion.

They sure look like they'd be fun to paint.

And since I'm ever so eager to one day start a Path to Glory-campaign I'm also tempted to by a box of Marauder Horsemen.

Don't need Marauders on foot though. I've got 2nd/3rd Ed. Chaos Thugs. ("Thug life" indeed!)