Kickstarter Bones

Posted by Metropolis Metropolis
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Fenryz Fenryz
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Re: Kickstarter Bones

Perhaps the book pdf was a "disappointment", but I still think its been an extremely good kickstarter with an amazing amount of minis for that offer, especially the Vampire level. They also mentioned having a surprise in store, which would be revealed soon :)

So, we might still see something new for offer ^^
Quests-of-legend Quests-of-legend
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Re: Kickstarter Bones

I'm not bitching about the KS it's been awesome, just the last day could have pulled more pledges, the added better options other than pdfs
Fenryz Fenryz
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Re: Kickstarter Bones

In reply to this post by Metropolis
Well, they just added the Familiars to the heap, and thats just amazing :D

The new skeletal dragon looks smashing, great concept - the only thing I really wish for is getting these awesome minis as soon as possible ^^
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: Kickstarter Bones

In reply to this post by Metropolis
I had to get that awesome new skeletal dragon, which btw comes with the little female mage in the image.
And then they threw C'thulhu at us... Had to get him as well... omg... My wallet is hurting.

last 10 minutes. It's been one helluva ride!
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
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Fenryz Fenryz
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Re: Kickstarter Bones

In reply to this post by Metropolis
Sure has, Im glad I decided to jump in on this - the third most successful Kickstarter ever, I really hope this gives GW something to think about :)
Rage Rage
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Re: Kickstarter Bones

In reply to this post by Metropolis
I've bought a vampire set...
It's an amazing offert!!