Inked Adventures Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile

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Inked Adventures Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile

Billiam Babble

Shameless self-promotion.  ... ;)

The Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile  is now available on all good Onebookshelf sites (DriveThru, RPGNow etc.)

Suitable for fantasy and horror, this two-level room will be ideal for those interdimensional  encounters!

Incidentally this old-style plan was originally designed for an encounter using the Savage Worlds system in a forthcoming issue of Savage Insider Premium published by MTE.

On DriveThru:
(Going for a song!)
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Re: Inked Adventures Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile

Looks good...

I assume it was a wooden floor that was destroyed or fell apart and then they discovered the house was built on top of some sort of ceremonial structure.  I have heard of having skeletons in the closet...but worshiping the devil in the basement?  Creepy...

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Re: Inked Adventures Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile

In reply to this post by Billiam Babble
Glad to see that your work continues!
I love the way you drew the staircase in the cover. It looks like more "3D" than the tiles I usually saw.
The fact that anyone can recognize the squares of the tiles even when there's no square drawn it's great too.
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
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Re: Inked Adventures Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile

Billiam Babble
Yup, 3D6 - it's definitely a house with a feature - a knock-through cellar with ancient evil temple extension.

Marchomer, I'm really quite depressed at how slow I've been to produce new products.  The good news is that it's partly due to me providing illustrations for other publishers. :)  

It was easier to make the stairs with more depth than usual, especially since the walls are extra high/wide - helps maximise the top-down 3D effect, like Atic Atac