HeroQuest PC game - download

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HeroQuest PC game - download

Billiam Babble
I can't remember if we posted this anywhere here.

I lost many hours sometime back playing scenarios for a HeroQuest PC game from this page:


In fact - I daresay, this is how I know "normal" HeroQuest - a sad admission on a site dedicated to real tabletop play. ;)

I remember it could be relaxing in some ways, and horribly challenging and addictive. :)
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Re: HeroQuest PC game - download

cool, there seems to be a lot of HeroQuest adaptations similar to this one floating round the web, I downloaded one my self a while back and wasted a good day or so playing though a short campaign (it's not often I've got to play a Hero in HeroQuest).  

I still have a lot of love for the original commercially avaliable HeroQuest computer game by Gremlin, in ultra-realistic isometric 3D! It was out on most of the 'micro-computers' of it's day, I have it for PC and also the Atari ST, but can't get the PC version working properly these days, due to even my oldest 90's PC being too new and fast. The Atari version I can however still play on an emulator on my laptop, it's great game and fairly true to the original board game. One day I'll get around to doing a write up of it for the forum, in the mean time here's some screenshots from the Atari ST version running on my laptop

^ the intro is a series of short animated sequences inter-cut with text from the Quest Book, kinda like a silent movie     

^ the menus are styled after the cards from the boardgame

^ the Atari version included all the quests from the original Quest Book and the PC version had a few extra

^ you've got to love the Isometric 3D dungeon exploration!

^ the game map keeps track of all the Heroes and Monsters

^ true to the boardgame, the computer game lets you see all the dice rolls in combat

still nothing beats playing a real game with dice and miniatures and your friends round the table
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: HeroQuest PC game - download

Billiam Babble
Nice pics!
I think I tried out a DOS version of that game using DOSBox. - But I really have to be in the right mood to get an emulator up and running.  By the way DOSBox gives you an option to slow the speed "cycles" down (something like that) which helps with really the old games.

The nice thing about those isometric sections is that they let you forget about the board dimensions.
(The background makes me giggle)
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