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Well, I'm finally getting signed up after lurking in the shadows for a while. I have been an avid gamer of all types since the early 80's.  I have been playing a ton of the different Song of Blades and Heroes games recently and was looking for a change. I decided to dig out the old heroquest, ahq stuff, and mordheim. I have always wanted to get into whq but only have a partial set, so I'll be looking to finish that out in the near future. My local gaming group has all but disintegrated,(I live in  a military town) and most of my games now are going to be solo play. This place is great and I look forward to wandering around and getting to know you guys better.
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Re: Hello!

Greetings! I got a copy of heroquest and have made a few thngs for it but haven't had a chance to upload them yet. Mostly been focusing on Space Crusade lately. I played heroquest so much I got kinda burnt out on it. Although I am working on buying up some extra ogers to make my own Oger Horde expansion pack ;)
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Re: Hello!

In reply to this post by emergencyoverride
Hello and welcome to the forum.
I like to play mordhiem as well but not played it in years. Trying to find fellow players is hard in some areas.  
But anyway good luck.
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: Hello!

In reply to this post by emergencyoverride
hello & welcome
i too like a game of mordheim shouldnt that be mortheim here ?