Hello Fellow RPGers!

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Hello Fellow RPGers!

To those who don't know me, I am a roleplay veteran of about 15 years, starting with the FF Books, moving up to Warhammer games. The mainstream D&D tabletop games remained avoided until about 5 years ago when a small group of players consisting of Panda, Epink & my brother, started what turned out to be an epic campaign revolving around a world called Ingem. The group has grown over the years, with many campaigns played.

I am currently GMing A post apocalyptic Campaign based in America where the primary mode of transport are mecha.

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Re: Hello Fellow RPGers!

Welcome to the Forum dude!

I think you'll enjoy it here, lets hope we can convince Paul/Epink to post some Engem campaign stuff here in the near future

I think your mecha games should make some interesting reading for our members too
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Hello Fellow RPGers!

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by mr0andyroo
Hi Mr0AndyRoo!

I like the sound of those credentials!  Good heritage and old enough to not know better. ;)

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Re: Hello Fellow RPGers!

In reply to this post by mr0andyroo
Watcha' mr0andyroo.

Welome in
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Re: Hello Fellow RPGers!

In reply to this post by mr0andyroo
Welcome mr0andyroo!

mr0andyroo wrote
...a world called Ingem...

mr0andyroo wrote
I am currently GMing A post apocalyptic Campaign based in America where the primary mode of transport are mecha.
Mmmh! Interesting! I hope you will post something!
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
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Re: Hello Fellow RPGers!

yes my band of apocalyptic heros are from Elkins WV. my main source material is Google Earth with some Artistic flair to fit my world.
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Re: Hello Fellow RPGers!

In reply to this post by Billiam Babble
Too Bloody right, when most people are drinking down the pub on a friday night, i'm hosting a campaign!
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Re: Hello Fellow RPGers!

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
it's only a small campaign model, it's not as if it has had 5 or more campaigns based in that world......... oh wait YES IT HAS!