These are definitely for the HeroQuest connoisseur! :)
*very impressed*
Tangent ... (thinking aloud)
It's interesting what Mortis says about preferring pencil and paper. Even when I play WHQ against myself I now use (to my own surprise) red glass beads as life counters as opposed to crossing-out and rewriting values. Of course, small dice are used
a la Warhammer to denote wounds on monsters in play. Generally with any proto-RPG paper (or dry-erase) character sheets are perfect stand-in when the equipment lists and spells in the rules exceed the provided card decks. This is another great divider from the old world of open-ended "pen-n-paper" RPGs (+wargames) and play-out-of-the-box closed-system board games with half-decent production costs - maybe designers just hate pencils. ;) The first time I saw chits/card numbers was in Talisman, which is so clearly based on pen-n-paper mechanics (so maybe it's not a new thing, it just seems more prevalent now). Everything from chits, sliding paperclip scales to Heroclix-style bases seemed to be chosen over the actual pencilling of numbers in Fantasy Flight Games' and WotC's board games. Most curious. I'd be very interested to see whether or not the new
Dungeon! board game from Wizards' has replaced the XP system which certainly required a notepad in play (but that may have been changed in a previous edition also).