Good news?

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Good news?

Hello all,

while perusing the marvells of t'interweb i discovered a little something on GW's site.

In their daily news section a particuler topic title caught my eye.

New Dark Eldar.

Well, as this army was released at the launch of 3rd edition (when the tiny £8 codexes the norm) and have had no reals update on their miniatures or rules for far to many years, i feel it is about time.

GW have been dropping hints bout this for years now, and it is good to see some progress with Dark Eldar.  More info in the next white dwarf, released a week friday.

If all is well there may be a lot of new dark eldar armies making the rounds!

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Re: Good news?

well it's about time, it's been 10 years or so since the last Dark Eldar release  
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Re: Good news?

In reply to this post by Talsin
indeed, and with 10 years to work on figures and rules they had better be bloody good.

and gw may start making money on the range