for those of you who don't know this is Gook, he's a goblin, the thing at his feet is called Niblitz and is probably some kind of Squig. Gobbledigook was the creation of Games Workshop artist Bil Sedgewick who's art work appears in games such as Dungeon Quest, The Fury of Dracula and the infamous 'Trollish' games. Gobbledigook appeared in White Dwarf in the late 80's and is fondly remembered by many older gamers, however it recently came to my attention that there are no pictures or mention of Gobbledigook online aside from in the WD content listings and as part of a foot note on Wikipeidea.
So here are a few Gobbledigook strips scanned from my WD collection for you viewing pleasure.
Gook Leaps between 3 of GW's universes in WD102 (Warhammer 40K, Bloodbowl and Dark Future respectively)
Gook in Dark Future in WD105, the final panel (which appeared on a second page) is a reference to Trolls in the Pantry one of the 'Trollish' games. ^
Gook runs into some Hobgoblins in WD107. Me and ScumDog47 can recite this one off by heart!! ^
One of my all time favourites, Gook meets a Nurgling in WD109 [click to enlarge] ... and finally 2 full page Gobbledigook-s from WD90 and WD96 [click the links to view]
WD90 Gook has a look round GW's Design Studio
WD96 Gook finds himself in the 40k universe
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Re: Gobbledigook
Re: Gobbledigook
Re: Gobbledigook