GW Price-rise list!

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost

Here presented for easy access and reading is a list GW's 2012 price rises

To flesh out this post a bit I'm going to include a few quotes from people on FaceBook, I've made them anonymous so that the modern GW-Angry-Fan-Boy-Man-Childs don't spam them with their stupid comments

"GW really are milking the fans for every penny they can"

"GW are just greedy - as long as some fool some place will keep paying they'll keep raising prices"

"That's more of the fact they do it every year, rather than the fact they're offering a reason. Expecting customers to pay more, for the same product without saying anything of it is a bit WTF, in my opinion."

"the reason they keep doing it is because they can - their reaction to any fall in profits is 'the prices must not be high enough' - and if they didn't have their army of unthinking fans with a baffling lack of any sense of value that'll keep paying higher and higher prices not matter the quality of the product"

"It's both because they think they can, and because they need to raise the profit margins to make up for the falling sales volume, to keep their revenue and profits constant. Not taking note, obviously, of the fact the falling sales volume is caused by the increase in prices :S"

"GW is rapidly losing its grip on the UK store and tournament scene (and it was only tenuous at best elsewhere). More and more gamers are being exposed to the alternatives - whether through the internet, independent stores, or big events like Salute. And it shows - However much the management talk about "a return to growth" GW's annual over-inflation price rise has only managed to maintain constant turnover. The conclusion is obvious: far from players leaving in a fit of nerd rage over the latest price rise, the price rises are in fact masking a steadily declining sales base.

Or to put it in simple terms: customers aren't leaving because of the price rises; GW is forced to raise prices because of the number of customers who leave year on year. Unfortunately, this economic model is only sustainable over the short term - sooner or later, the price rises cease to conceal the problem and become part of it (i.e. MORE customers leave because of the price rises). Personally, I suspect GW hit this point a couple of years ago, and all the gimmicks we have seen since (fineca$t, army supplements costing more than their opponent's core rules) have been desperate attempts to give CPR to a dying patient..."

"Have to admit that until I just now saw an actual price list of the GW increases I've basicaly ignored this story about them, figuring it would be a quid here and there.......£20 extra on a Marine Battleforce ? Loads of stuff that was £18 is going to be £25 to £27! Now I understand what the furore was on this..... :("


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Re: GW Price-rise list!

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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

You missed it - the hike was yesterday, but don't worry there's always next year ...
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Vlad The Impala Vlad The Impala
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
I've been crunching some numbers - it's not pretty.

First off, let's understand that the government's measure of inflation, the Consumer Price Index, was measured on the 22nd of May at 3%. That is the lowest its been for over two years, falling from a peak of 5.6% in September 2011. The CPI tracks thousands of branded products against their price 12 months previously, changing their sample to reflect market trends (recently, for example, they dropped DVD rentals from the list but added the cost of a subscription to netflix or lovefilm). This is the standard measure of inflation in the UK, and is used to calculate "Index Linked" figures such as state benefits and pensions; a second measure (the Retail Price Index, or RPI) tracks the costs of products TO RETAILERS (ie before tax and any promotions) is less vulnerable to fluctuations and provides a better LONG TERM measure of inflation, but as we do not have the trade prices available we will have to compare GW's RRP against the CPI.

We must also consider the global commodities market in these calculations. Between December 2010 and December 2011, prices for (raw) plastics in the EU remained static or FELL by around 1%; prices for resins fell by between 3 and 4%. Metal prices do not concern us since post-finecast GW is melting down their old stock of metal minis and has 0 cost in this area.

Here endeth the economics lesson

So, the figures (by product line):

Warhammer Fantasy: Up 10.25% - not bad, but marred by the fact that army books have had two separate price hikes (the first in January, and now another in May), giving a 22.2% increase on their price this time last year.
40K: Up 12.92%. The biggest culprits here are all Space Marine (or variant chapter) plastic kits which increased by up to 33% - GW clearly feels the need to milk their cash cow.
Lord Of The Rings: Up 11.15% ON RELEASE PRICES IN FEBRUARY. Looks good, but this does not take into account the repackaging of LotR infantry from boxes of 24 for £16.50 to boxes of 12 for £13.50 in February; if we factor in those figures the actual increase on basic infantry is a whopping 81.8% since this time last year, and the average goes up to 48.1%
Hobby Supplies: Up 16.5%
Terrain: Up 18.0%

Fineca$t dodged a bullet - possibly because resin prices have fallen globally so all GW needs to do is freeze prices to increase their profit margins.
The figures for hobby supplies and terrain are bad, at 5.5 and 6 times the rate of inflation, but (almost) excusable because these ranges did not increase last year.
WFB and 40K are about what I have come to expect by now - 3-4 times the rate of inflation on plastic kits, despite the fact that plastic prices have remained static. Although you have to remember that 40K codices will get a gradual price rise when they go to hardcover which will bring the figures up by a LOT over the next year.
But the figures for Lord of the Rings are shocking. Between the repack and the completely arbitrary price rise, ALL the basic infantry have gone up by 27 times the rate of inflation since this time last year.

Why has LotR increased so much? Standard economic theory would suggest that you only increase prices if demand is (or is expected to be) outstripping supply - so do GW REALLY expect demand for LotR minis to increase by almost 50% when the hobbit movie comes out?! No. It's a game of smoke and mirrors to mislead the shareholders. Remember that most of GW's shareholders don't understand the industry, and certainly don't keep track of individual prices; and all they see in the shareholder's report is the total VALUE of sales. So by ramping up the prices now, GW can create the illusion that sales of LotR will have increased this time next year - justifying their multi-million dollar license while sales actually fall...
Vlad The Impala Vlad The Impala
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by Removed
@ Lumberjack: If you're anywhere near a branch of the Toymaster chain, see what they have in stock. They don't track GW price rises, and charge whatever the RRP was when the product came in - I've got some ridiculous bargains on LotR that way...
Brainleaf74 Brainleaf74
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
All i can say is i paid £30 for two boxes of chaos knights a little over a year ago say 18 months.and the same two boxes would now cost me £40 .im not sure if mortis or other members have already mentioned this, but warhammer historical has closed its doors for good and without any warning .needless to say there`s a lot of really pissed off historical gamers out there.most of which fled 40k and whfb years ago due to power creep and figure price .
Vlad The Impala Vlad The Impala
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

While the demise of Warhammer: Historical is to be regretted, it wasn't really surprising. It had been on life support for years, and it was only a matter of time before the company switched it off.

I can't really fault their logic - when they started the historical games acted as a "gateway drug" to draw established historical gamers into fantasy/sf gaming. By the time they shut up shop, the reverse was true: the historical rules were sucking players out of Warhammer Fantasy and into historicals, where they discovered inconvenient truths like 44 plastic infantry for £20 (Perry, Warlord, Victrix, Gripping Beast), balanced tournament play, and accurate scale. No wonder GW try to convince people that they are THE wargaming Hobby...
Brainleaf74 Brainleaf74
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
I have already bored Mortis to death on facebook. so i wont get into the whole historical side of things here.i just figured id mention it as its another recent event in which GW/FW has really managed to woe its fans .

I predict fanboy`s screaming "if it wasn't for GW there`d be no hobby" and "gw invented wargaming "to which i reply "so you have never played the Fletcher Pratt's Naval War Game from 1943 ?" not because that was the first but just to piss them off .or the classic "GW is a company man its their job to make money" wtf it doesn't mean they can kick you in the nads while they do it. "GW`s figs are the best in the world " yip they are pretty good when they aren't over priced have bits missing or have pubic hairs in the packaging .GW hasn't been about the hobby since the mid 90`s , its only ppl who don't know any better that toot that lame excuse .seems to me they only care about how much money they can shaft the fans for.

Just like to point out i do actually feel bad for ppl into whfb 40k and the lotr game .
jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
well i can say that boycotted GW from there last price-hike & i'm still going stronge
keith baggott keith baggott
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
IVE JUST READ THIS ON FB "theyre still trying to claw back money from the injection moulding upgrades which has improved the minis a hell of a lot. i can live with a couple of extra quid". Im not saying names or replying to it as i will be call a troll but god help the poor brain wash fool with kids like that GW could triple their prices and they keep paying its bloody criminal what their doing to the hobbie.
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by Vlad The Impala
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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by keith baggott
keith baggott wrote
IVE JUST READ THIS ON FB "theyre still trying to claw back money from the injection moulding upgrades which has improved the minis a hell of a lot. i can live with a couple of extra quid". Im not saying names or replying to it as i will be call a troll but god help the poor brain wash fool with kids like that GW could triple their prices and they keep paying its bloody criminal what their doing to the hobbie.
I think the worst thing is that this isn't even GW making this lame excuse up, it's someone so deluded by GW that they will make up lame excuses for them

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MarkRG MarkRG
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Most of the plastics are now made in China, owned by GW. Getting the stuff shipped over here and packaged.
If a company produces a model in the Uk it does not need the pay shipping tax for the stuff inported from China.
So as usual we all get screwed if we continue to buy the stuff.
I must admit I am daft enough to buy only a few models now, but only a few.
The product i still get screwed the most with is codexes and novels. I still cannot resist them.

It is still our fight with the love & hate we have with GW
-- Mark RG (Game on)
Scumdog47 Scumdog47
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Re: GW Price-rise list!

I'm kinda glad I haven't bought much from GW in quite a while.

But now?

Hoo boy, they'd better present me with a truly spectacular mini to make me dole out the cash.