EM4's Fantasy Plastics

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
At a price of 21p each or an incredible £7.70 for a bag of  50, EM4's Fantasy Plastics are the lowest priced miniatures you are ever likely to come across. The range currently consists of 6 different miniatures 3 Orcs and 3 Dwarfs, plus a bunch of rather small shields. Personally I'd like to a few more races added to this range (preferably Elves, Goblins and Humans), but lets on dwell on what they could do, let talk about what they have done!

+Out of the Bag+

For the most part these figures are quite good and the details are not too bad. I'll admit the photos below do the miniatures no favours and that's mainly due to the lighting and the fact unpainted miniatures are always a pain the arse to photograph.

 ^ (from left to right) Orc with Spear, Orc with Sword and Orc with Bow

The Orc with a Sword is easily the nicest figure in the range, while the Orc with spear is rather let-down by poor detailing on it's face. The Orc with Bow is pretty good, but the bow itself lacks detail and looks rather too much like it's just a stick.  

 ^ (from left to right) Dwarf with Crossbow, Dwarf with Axe, Dwarf with Spear

All 3 of the Dwarfs are fairly well sculpted too, with the only let-down being the Dwarf with Crossbow - the 'bow' part of the Crossbow is far, far too small to the point of being near non-existent

I ordered 5 of each figure for the purposes of this review and for general use in skirmish and dungeon games. While Mark RG ordered a bag of 50 Dwarfs with Axes to form the bulk of a Dwarf Army for Kings of War. Now between us a few figures did turn out to be a bit 'FineCast' 2 of my figures had a small hole where the mould had not completely filled with plastic and 4 of Mark's Dwarfs had their axe-heads missing, but despite their few flaws these figures are amazing value for money. You'll probably have noticed from the pictures that some of the miniatures came with a bit of flash, since these are plastic miniatures the flash is easily cleaned off with a sharp knife. Also all of the figures have an injection point in the center of their back (in a similar manor the HeroQuest miniatures), again this isn't a problem to trim away.
No they're not the mind-blowing high quality of Reaper's Bones Plastics nor do they have excellent multi-part options of Mantic's plastics but at these low-low prices who can complain and besides it's nothing a half-decent hobbyist couldn't sort out will a little work here and there


I can't do a review of these miniatures without mentioning conversions - being plastic these figures are very easy to convert. EM4's own website has links to some excellent articles on converting these figures and possibilities are many-fold

 ^ Various pictures from Combat Zone Chronicles of some excellent conversions by 2 people known as 'Gisby' (Orcs) and 'Pattus Magnus' (Dwarfs)

As you can see with a little work any (and all) of the 'flaws' I mentioned above can be fixed and the miniatures can be enhanced greatly to the point where they rival any other miniatures on the market.
Using some scraps of plastic to extend the bow part of the Dwarf's crossbows and carrying out a weapon swap or 2 will improve the miniatures no end.
Personally I plan on using some spare heads from Mantic and old Citadel Plastics to replace the heads of my Orcs with Spears, I think I'll convert the Dwarfs with Crossbows to Rifles with a little bit of plastic tube and probably do a few weapon-swaps, head swaps and bit of re-posing on the other figures for variety before I use them in a game. Likewise Mark RG wasn't at all bothered by the missing axe-head on his Dwarfs because he plans to re-arm many of them with Hammers, Spears and so on.

 ^ Mark RG also gave a few of his Dwarfs with Axes to our resident 'sculpting-nut' Messy, who has taken converting these figures to a whole new level. Here's a couple of work-in-progress pictures of one dwarf being converted into a Slayer King!


Since this is tLatD I'm sure there are a few Hero Quest players reading this right now and looking at the rectangular integral bases and thinking of their original HeroQuest figures. And the answer my fellow dungeoneers is yes, these miniatures will work rather nicely for HeroQuest!

 ^ an EM4 Orc with Sword alongside his HeroQuest counterpart. If you're looking to add a few different Orc troop types to your Hero Quest (or even Dragon Strike) games, looking to expand the number of Orcs you have or maybe make up the numbers if your second-hand box was short a few figures, EM4's plastic Orcs are ideal

 ^ an EM4 Dwarf with Axe and the HeroQuest Dwarf Hero. While they won't make for the best alternative or replacement for the Dwarf Hero, the EM4 plastic Dwarfs would work rather nicely if you have some rules for hiring Dwarven Henchmen in your games

^ As you can see the EM4 bases are a millimetre or 2 larger than the HeroQuest bases and it's a simple matter of trimming them down if that really bothers you - I'd certainly recommend those of you looking to use the EM4 figures in a mass fantasy battle game to trim down the bases as they are  larger than the 'standard' bases for troops their size (especially the Dwarfs)

+To sum up+

If you're on a tight budget (and who isn't these days?) but still want a huge army I can't recommend these enough. 1 Bag each of the 3 variants of the race of your choice and you've got the core of a huge army (150 foot-troops) for just £23.10, all you need to do is add a few characters, leader types and a couple of warmachines - ideal if you're looking to get into playing Kings of War, Hoards of the Things, Fantasy Warlord or any other mass fantasy battle game. And of course these miniatures would also be useful to anyone looking to run a huge hoard type encounter in an RPG game. Whatever use you have in mind for them, if you want spend as little money on as many figures as possible these are for you


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BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

Very nice review, I kept looking at these chaps on the EM4 site, may well stick a couple on my next order to have a play with. Always fun to see what you can do with cheap minis and a few bits from the bits box.
redfox4242 redfox4242
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Those look like a great bargain.  Thanks for sharing your review.  I will remember these minis.
MarkRG MarkRG
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
The pack of 50 Dwarfs are worth £7.70 they will bulk out my army very nicely and very cheaply. If you tried to do this with GW I think you will be spending £60+
Happy gaming guys M
-- Mark RG (Game on)
lurkio lurkio
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
They look to be the old Grenadier plastic figures that came out with the "Fantasy Warriors" wargame boxed set. They are all quite servicable and at a good price. I believe Mirliton still sell the old Grenadier Dwarves and Orcs if you need a bit of variation for your front rank.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

EM4 carry much of the Fantasy Warriors range including a free PDF of the Fantasy Warriors rulebook.

The EM4 produced Grenadier lines are also available through Forlorn Hope Games who in fact stock a much wider selection than EM4's own website
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Triple Helix Wargames Triple Helix Wargames
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Very nice work Messy - looking forward to seeing the finished model!

Steve, THW

Triple Helix Wargames Wargaming evolved...
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by BobbieTheDamned
RobertTheDamned wrote
Always fun to see what you can do with cheap minis and a few bits from the bits box.
I've just started a thread of my EM4 Fantasy Plastics conversions Here
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Thank you!
Now I finally know what kind of miniatures I've bought some times ago!
Not the best miniatures I had ever seen but very cheap, customizable and compatible.
I've started to convert the base of one dwarf, I should finish it and take some picture...
It's a while I don't post something on tlatd forum...
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seanpatrick seanpatrick
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
I think I will order some of these.  It's a shame they don't do goblins, skeletons and basic marauder-type dudes to use in your dungeon games/battles as well though.  Maybe if enough of us start buying their stuff they will expand? :)
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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

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seanpatrick wrote
It's a shame they don't do goblins, skeletons and basic marauder-type dudes to use in your dungeon games/battles as well though.  Maybe if enough of us start buying their stuff they will expand? :)
EM4 do make a range of Goblins, Undead and Barbarians however they are in Metal rather than Plastic. (links are to Forlorn Hope's website which carries a larger range of EM4's miniatures than their main site)

If you're looking for a wider range plastic models I recommend checking out Mantic and Reaper's stunning new Bones range

seanpatrick wrote
Maybe if enough of us start buying their stuff they will expand? :)
I've been in contact with Doug at EM4 since posting this review and he informs me they unlikely to be making any brand-new model for their Fantasy Plastics range. As Lurkio mentioned the plastic miniatures originally belonged to Grenadier (as did most of their metal figures) EM4 make them because one of their associated companies made them for Grenadier 'back in the day' and owned the tools. In fact the plastic Orcs and Dwarfs where part of the Fantasy Warriors boxed fantasy wargame Grenadier published way back in 1990 (2 years before the first boxed Warhammer -4th edition- in 1992) - when  Grenadier went under, EM4 just kept making them and there has always been a steady demand for them from hobbyists who want as many miniatures as possible for their money.
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
seanpatrick seanpatrick
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Well I've decided to order up 50 of each plastic orc type.  That should keep those heroes busy for a bit.  Guessing that for 28mm scale the orcs may look a bit small I think I'll give them LOTR type orc stats (they're squat and ugly but not great warriors like the giant GW type orcs) and then maybe get some of their metal half-orcs to fill that brute Uruk-Hai role for elites & leaders etc.
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seanpatrick seanpatrick
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
They arrived very quickly!!!  I like them rather a lot but compared to GW style figures they may look a little weedy (well, for orcs anyway).  I've been using the figures from DungeonQuest with them during playtesting but I may need to find some other simliar hero models.  GW can't seriously call their scale 28mm anymore, surely!!!
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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

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The bulk of Orcs in my collection are from the old  Citadel 'C' Series, Chronicle Miniatures and Marauder Miniatures - and they work out at about the same size as their Grenadier Fantasy Warriors Orc counterparts (and by extension these plastic Fantasy Warrior Orcs). I use the newer and larger Citadel Orcs I have as Big 'uns and Black Orcs. I also tend to use a mix of different companies Orcs (not to mention other races) for extra variety, after all people you see in real life aren't all the same height and build, so why would Orcs and other fantasy races be?

EM4 and Forlorn Hope both carry various metal Grenadier Orcs which fit in perfectly with the Fantasy Warriors plastics. As for Heroes, Forlorn Hope stock a small range of Adventures you might find useful (also have a look through various Humans, Elves, Dwarfs and Halflings in their Fantasy Warriors section). But personally my number one go-to place when looking for miniatures to represent Heroes is Ral Partha Europe - I'd particularly draw you're attention to the Das Schwarze Auge Characters, Heroes and Horrors and Fantasy Adventurers Ranges.

If you're looking for Urk-Hai types to use with the Fantasy Warriors I'd recommend a box Mantic's Orcs which again work out as being a good size to represent a larger and tougher breed of Orc (and of course they are high quality plastics and excellent value for money).

I think I'll try and get some 'scale shots' taken of the various different companies Orcs I own
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
seanpatrick seanpatrick
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Thanks once again. I did like the Mantics orcs.  I'll check out some of the other links too.
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seanpatrick seanpatrick
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Re: EM4's Fantasy Plastics

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
The Forlorn page is making me drool already!!! The dwarfs are so awesome and the elves look great. I think I may have made my choice for heroes...
Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk