Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

Posted by Warlord Bhaird Warlord Bhaird
Mantic vs Reaper for the win.
The more dungeon stuff I see on this forum the more tempted I am to return to this realm of wargaming.
My Dwarf Kings Hold and Green Menace expansion stuff will come in handy... eventually.

Some dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures.


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Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

Be careful if you care about the proportion between the models! I've painted some of these stuff and they have a different scale than the Mantic stuff! I think they are "pure" 25mm (Mantic actually is 30mm).
I think Scotia Grendel stuff uses the same scale: look here!
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
Warlord Bhaird Warlord Bhaird
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

One day I might see about getting some of these and other brands of dungeon scenery.
Thanks for the advice Marchomer.
If the scale is dramatically out of whack a Goblin could be as tall as those Gallows!
Only the insane have the strength to prosper.
And only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

Marchomer wrote
Be careful if you care about the proportion between the models! I've painted some of these stuff and they have a different scale than the Mantic stuff! I think they are "pure" 25mm (Mantic actually is 30mm).
Warlord Bhaird wrote
If the scale is dramatically out of whack a Goblin could be as tall as those Gallows!
In my capacity as 'That guy with the frikkin huge 3D dungeon setups' I offer this advice:
1 If you're not sure about the scale try to pick 'scale-less items' that will not end up looking odd should they turn out to small (or bigger than you expected). Universal things like those buckets, the barrels, shelves, torches and the chests can be of any size and not look out of place, where as things like people, armour and so on are constrained by their scale. Chairs and tables surprisingly sit somewhere between being scale-constrained and scale-less and as long as you don't mix and match tables and chairs from different scales you can normally get away with it

2 Avoid items with characters attached to them, this is for 2 reasons; firstly it's a dead give away of scale if the item turns out to be off-scale for your collection (as mentioned above) and 2ndly it rather cuts down the usefulness of the item in-game. It's all well and good to have a bar-tender fixed to the bar or a torture-victim attached to the rack, but what happened if a bar-fight breaks out or you want to rescue the prisoner? The bar-tender isn't just going to stand there, nor will the victim want to stay on the rack and they can't walk around with a hunk of furniture attached to them!

3 Don't worry if you do find you've got something that is too big or too small you can still make use of it. Not all races are the same size in a fantasy world, if a bed turns out to be rather small looking use it for Halflings! If a table is too big maybe it should belong to an Ogre or Troll!
Then there is always the option of conversion, maybe you can make that table a better hight for humans if you cut the legs down a bit or increase the hight of a small item by sticking it on a base and there's always more involved things you can do in terms of re-sculpting and adding to an item.

Marchomer wrote
I think Scotia Grendel stuff uses the same scale: look here!
I just want to make it clear that although the Grendel terrain is some times billed as being 25mm scale it is fact best suited to 28-30mm scale as most of the items are rather large and chunky in their construction. I own a lot of Grendel terrain myself and if you'd like some 'scale comparison' shots along side a particular figure you need only ask.

This reminds me that I really need to get around to writing my rant about scales!  
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Warlord Bhaird Warlord Bhaird
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird

Morning class, who wants to see some of Mr.MortiS' dungeon furniture?
Only the insane have the strength to prosper.
And only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

If you're on Facebook (or maybe even if you're not) you should be able to see these Albums I've filled with pictures of my dungeon for various groups

FaceBook Dungeon Pictures 1

FaceBook Dungeon Pictures 2

FaceBook Dungeon Pictures 3
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Billiam Babble Billiam Babble
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird
Warlord Bhaird wrote

Morning class, who wants to see some of Mr.MortiS' dungeon furniture?

I love the chairs in the original post.

*Refuses to give Mortis any more praise for his truly awesome dungeons - which are seriously wowing people on Facebook at the moment*
Warlord Bhaird Warlord Bhaird
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird
Absolutely awestruck at the moment after having a gander at those galleries!
The characters-eye perspective, viewed on my large plasma screen seriously did it for me!

Only the insane have the strength to prosper.
And only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
chaos-warrior chaos-warrior
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird
i have a lots of furniture of these and the scale is to small for warhammer figures
for goblins or dwarves maybe ok ,other races not
greets Chaos-warrior
plays (advanced ) hero quest      (warhammer quest) with Kessandria
fan of warhammer figures to expand the armies of Morcar .
long live the internet for concept artwork ....
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Dungeon furnishings from Mega Miniatures

In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird
More Pictures added on FB

 ^ a small gallery showing how the dungeon is laid out during a game

 ^ A few shots of the dungeon being use for a 'demo' game at Triple Helix Wargames

and a few more pictures have been added to This Album too!
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~