Caesar Miniatures Undead

Posted by Marchomer Marchomer
Some time ago I bought a couple of Caesar Miniatures boxes, Undead and Dwarves. What makes me bought them was Kings of War.
Let me explain for those who don't know this game (if any).
When I tried it, the first thing I noticed was that there's no rule for "killing miniatures", the player damages a unit but no miniature is removed, the damage points are noted down and used as bonus to test the 'Nerve' of the unit, so a unit with a lot of damages is easier to destroy than a fresh unit without wounds. If the roll of the Nerve Test is successful the entire unit is removed from the game.

1. Actually It doesn't matter how many miniatures there are in a unit, because what really matter is the measure of the unit base. I could even use a unit base that could contain 20 orcs (5"x4")  and glue only 10/12 orcs on it, because no miniature is removed during the battle.

2. If no miniature is removed from the units, it could be possible use the Metric System and smaller miniatures too.

So I opted for 20mm miniatures to realize some small armies, because I think that 20mm is a good compromise solution: the miniatures are detailed even if small but they're not so small to compromise the eyesight of the players. Every miniature in a unit represents 5 models. Any measure is reduced by one half.

^The whole army


^Necromancer and Standard Bearer

^Vampire Lords and Liche King

^Wraiths and Skeleton archers

^In every miniature the original base was removed to avoid the hateful "hill effect".

In the end some good/bad things about Caesar Miniatures Undead and Dwarves:

Good things:
1. Price. About £8 a box
2. Quantity. About 35+ miniatures in a single box
3. Diversity. A box includes a variety of miniatures that you can create an entire army. (Undead are better than Dwarves, there's more choice)
4. Quality. The models are quite detailed.

Bad things:
1. No special miniatures like cavalry, monsters, chariots, zombies, ghouls, cannons...


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BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: Caesar Miniatures Undead

Very nice work. I've been thinking about buying some of the Caesar fantasy figures for ages, their historical stuff is amazing and it looks like these are just as nice. The skeletons look particularly good.

Great idea to base them up for Kings of War, I'd love to see a battle report with these figures.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Caesar Miniatures Undead

In reply to this post by Marchomer
Awesome Job!

I picked up a few boxes of Caesar Miniatures myself a few years back with the idea of doing something similar (but this was long before KoW - I briefly mentioned it a long time ago) we never decided on a rule set in the end (or did anything else toward the project) - but using the Kings of War rules in a excellent idea!

I've got several boxes including the Elves, Goblins and Undead but my favourite has to be the Adventurers box, which not only contains Rangers, Barbarians, Magicians, Thieves, Cavaliers and Acrobats (ok it doesn't really have Acrobats) but also a huge (for 1/72 scale) Troll, which is so big I'm converting it to be used at 28/30mm scale (See Here)

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: Caesar Miniatures Undead

Thanks guys!

RobertTheDamned wrote
I've been thinking about buying some of the Caesar fantasy figures for ages, their historical stuff is amazing and it looks like these are just as nice. The skeletons look particularly good.
Yep! Caesar miniatures are really good and I like the 1:72 scale too. I saw the historical stuff too and yes, like you saying is amazing. I think that if I wanted to try something different and I need some new miniatures, Caesar and Revell will be my choice!
Eeer... Wait for a minute! I have some WWII models to paint somewhere!

RobertTheDamned wrote
Great idea to base them up for Kings of War, I'd love to see a battle report with these figures.
Thanks again! When I will use them, I am pretty sure a battle report will be posted here in the forum!

MortiS-the-Lost wrote
...but also a huge (for 1/72 scale) Troll, which is so big I'm converting it to be used at 28/30mm scale...
Yep I remember this posts! Eeer... Did you finish it? You didn't isn't it?  
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