COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

Posted by General Biakal General Biakal
Dark Eldar have just had a reboot by GW- after a million years. Their last codex was mostly written in "ye olde" english and most photographs showed people smoking indoors. THATS how old it was.

But here they are, SHAZAM! with a brand new codex and a clutch of new models. With no fanfare or pre hype...

first things first...

Those new models look fucking MINT.

and they are just the normal, rank and file grunts. the bikes look great and the rest of the range is a bit like the IG kits: looking enough like the old ones so the old ones look OK, but then being a million miles better looking at the same time.

kudos to the designers, these guys look amazing.

Im keen to read the codex and cant wait to illegally download it as soon as i can.

click here for more info

if i was going to be critical, its a bit of a conservative launch range, unless there is a second wave due very soon.

price wise, it fits in with all the other armies, so £15 gets you ten troops, and £20 gets you a mid size vehicle. the jetbikes are a little expensive but cost the same as the eldar ones (£7 each on average) so what the hell.

what do you all think?


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Talsin Talsin
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

i have been looking forward to this release for such a long time.

12 years, 2 new editions of 40K and 5 years working on miniatures, and they should be out in time for my birthday.

All i can say is it was worth the wait and what a birthday it will be!

The new mandraks are simply stunning and Urien Rakarth looks soooooooooooooooo good...................

Advance order time.

Geekgasm time.

Roll on delivery of my shinny dark eldar goodies.

Talsin Talsin
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

Order now placed.

Time to chill!
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

no, WRONG.

time to get all your paints out in a row, get all your brushes, clean them, clean them again, set everything out PERFECTLY, ideally with a ruler, so your paints are 25mm apart and your brushes are perfectly pararlel at 10mm apart. buy some evian and pour it into a silver goblet. no stare at the postbox like your shaun ryder and a drug dealer is about to post crack through it.

thats what you do now
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
Apocalypsedreamer Apocalypsedreamer
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

In reply to this post by Talsin
Might sound a bit dumb but I don't see anew urien rakarth or new mandrakes. please be so kind to enlighten me.
You think your lag is bad! It took 3 days for Jesus to re-spawn!
Talsin Talsin
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

those two appeared in the Whats new today post dated 05-10-10.

Neither are labeled. but Urien is the multilimbed thing and  the mandraes are the Drow look a likies.

Better helion pics revealed today.
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

exqueeze me? iv not seen these! any chance of a linkage?

edit: oooo i found em!! (scroll to bottom)

"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

you'll need to rip the images as linking to inside the GW domain doesn't work anymore
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Talsin Talsin
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

Well, today the ravager was revealled.

A very good looking kit, and fitting very well with the rest of the range.

And just because i am such a wonderful person here are some pics for everyone.

Urien Rakarth




General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

cant wait to read codex

however, my overwhelming impression so far is they are a real "painters" army... i dont doubt there will be a whole pile of kiddies with piss poor assembled and painted models but these resally seem aimed at the more veteran gamer.

you cant deny the quality of the sculpts tho. with out doubt the top percentile of GW's metal AND plastic models, EVER.

interested in what the necron reboot will bring with this quality. impressive.
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

In reply to this post by Talsin
gotta say I do like the Urien Rakarth mini, it's got a cool Cenobite vibe to it.

the Ravager reminds me of Jabba's sail-barge (shame it doesn't come with an appropriately attired Leia)

the Mandrake looks pretty cool, I'd be tempted to use it as a fantasy miniature

These are nice models and show that GW can still make good minis if they put their mind to it - however I'm sure the GW prices will put me off in the end ... which is a shame
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
CatBlack CatBlack
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

found a pic of Lelith Hesperax,  don't drool too much guys!!

BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Urien Rakarth is certainly going to Halloween dressed as Fabius Bile though. The similarities between the two sculpts are so blatant I'm not sure what's going on:

exotic and useless needle weapon. check.
Fancy multi-arm backpack. check.
clothes made out of a patchwork of human skin. check.
weird man-corset look. check.

Must be some sort of homage or something

MortiS-the-Lost wrote
the Ravager reminds me of Jabba's sail-barge (shame it doesn't come with an appropriately attired Leia)
The last Asdrubael Vect did, got to be a conversion in the making somewhere in this geeky world.

the Mandrake looks pretty cool, I'd be tempted to use it as a fantasy miniature
I was thinking the same, I was going to go along the lines of maybe some sort of chaos energy powered flesh-golem or something like that.

These are nice models and show that GW can still make good minis if they put their mind to it - however I'm sure the GW prices will put me off in the end ... which is a shame
Well for 40K.......after 12 years of development..............

That said these are definitely an improvement over some of the stuff GW has done recently, I might be tempted into buying a few warriors, possibly even the archon which would work well as a fantasy figure too. Infact the plastic parts might make for some interesting dark elf conversions seeing as the dark elves plastics are a bit 'meh'.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

RobertTheDamned wrote
Urien Rakarth is certainly going to Halloween dressed as Fabius Bile though. The similarities between the two sculpts are so blatant I'm not sure what's going on:

exotic and useless needle weapon. check.
Fancy multi-arm backpack. check.
clothes made out of a patchwork of human skin. check.
weird man-corset look. check.
agreed, it must be 'the in look' when you do evil experiments in the 41st millennium

RobertTheDamned wrote
MortiS-the-Lost wrote
the Ravager reminds me of Jabba's sail-barge (shame it doesn't come with an appropriately attired Leia)
The last Asdrubael Vect did, got to be a conversion in the making somewhere in this geeky world.

True, it bound to get done sooner or later ... I can see it now, with a converted Greater Daemon of Nurgle as Jabba!
goddamnit I wish I had the infinite amount of money required to buy the parts needed from GW to do that!

Quite a few of the new Dark Eldar could make for good fantasy stuff looks like Lelith Hesperax might make for a good Witch Elf champion for my Cult of Khaine Dark Elves
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Talsin Talsin
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

With regards to the Urien/ Fabius thing......

Apparantly Fabius was taken to Commorragh for some 'training' by Urien, at least according to people who have had a peak at the codex.

So fabius looks to have made his Chirgeon in homage to his mentor/ best mate/ lover*


*delete as one feels appropriate
Apocalypsedreamer Apocalypsedreamer
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

In reply to this post by General Biakal
Shall enjoy painting these especily the Archon/Dracon thingymabob.

Rave Mode

And...........................PLASTIC HELLIONS (loudly raves about the ridiculously expensive metal ones) IT'S A GOD DAMN MIRICLE.

Rave Mode Over...

shall enjoy painting those mandrakes (thanx for finding those pics)

You think your lag is bad! It took 3 days for Jesus to re-spawn!
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: COMMENT: Dark Eldar are here...

Apocalypsedreamer wrote
PLASTIC HELLIONS (loudly raves about the ridiculously expensive metal ones) IT'S A GOD DAMN MIRICLE.
well ... at least it would be if the plastic weren't just as much of a ripoff, your still not getting value for money
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~