Bit torn

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Bit torn

About the recent posting of floorplans - I have a collection of things Ive found, I admit that, but I cant feel but guilty when we have several people here that work with this stuff already - like mr Babble, who´ve put in a lot of work.

I bought his packs because I really enjoyed the style, and the flexibility of the different sets, I really recommend them.

So Im not sure about how to handle this, no idea on which "policy" we should or shouldn´t have regarding this material - any thoughts ?
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Re: Bit torn

A or B?

A. Artists on this site who'd appreciate the attention

B. Random online resources who'd appreciate the attention

I'd say pick what you're after. Pick and mix, or even just go for everything you can find..
Mr. Babble might make lovely things, but I'm sure he'd not get upset by people looking other places, too.

We could always have a megathread of these resources and their sources.. And a review from anyone who've used them.

That way our own artists can get a bit of recognition in a highlighted place.
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
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Re: Bit torn

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by Fenryz
Hey dude!
Just go for it!
I always feel really flattered when you mention me by name. *grin*
The only only problem I ever have with anything is if someone takes one of my charged-for whole PDFs/products and posts it for free.  I'm taking a broader on fan-modded work as well ( ).  Also, my own blog often talks about other products.  Create, share, adapt.  I've certainly borrowed  a lot of ideas for older products.  (And with affiliate links I sometimes actually get a few cents back, so my loyalty is rarely only with one brand)  Remember, it's a forum - freedom of speech, expression and all that, and Mr Mortis will judge what is fit or not appropriate.  The web loves links and pictures. :)
I love comparing different floor plans and influences.  - Random Fb link ;)!/pages/Fantasy-maps-dungeon-floor-plans-table-top-RPGs/132590436767254

(This thread seems to be out on it's own - maybe Mortis can move it to the right section?)