A stranger walks into town...

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A stranger walks into town...

Hi all,

I'm Sean.  I live in th UK and I've been involved in gaming & RPGs for around 20 years now.  I started with Warhammer 40K, then started roleplaying with Tunnels & Trolls, D&D and eventually Vampire.

I've played a lot of complex games and a lot of simple ones.  I'm beginning to miss the simple ones.

My main aim in the game world right now is to make something a bit like Warhammer Quest but with a rule system more like Hero-Clix.  I'm also trying to work on a RPG which will be compatable with the board game :)
Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

Sean, Welcome to the Lost and the Damned Forum
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

Richie the Orc
In reply to this post by seanpatrick
Hi Sean, welcome to the forum! I like the sound of a simple gaming system!
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

Thanks dude - and good choice of a username :)

The only problem I'm finding is that I'm beginning to make this game more and more like Warhammer (battle & quest) and less like the "Heroclix in a dungeon" type game I had first invisaged.
Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

seanpatrick wrote
 "Heroclix in a dungeon"
would that not be MageKnight?

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

I have heard of MageKnight but I think it was discontinued before I started plotting my dungeon game ideas.  From what I saw of MK it looked like it was still very much a Team VS Team game like Heroclix.  I want to create something where you are either solo or co-op (although maybe Deathmatch/Team games could be tried too).

One thing I'm doing differently in my game is creating "mooks" for the general baddies.  Heroes will probably have a nice neat 10 hit points.  Monsters will have around 3hp on average.  Orcs or tough guys may have 4.  Big monsters & bosses will have many hp but then they are for the party to take on as a team.

I mention Heroclix/MK a lot but I'm not using a click-base system.  You get hp as you would with most adventure games and your special powers are useable anytime (although you can use them all up - I'm either implementing pips or cards to represent them).  

I really just liked the simple stats in Heroclix - plus I thought the 2D6 attack rolls offered more varied in-game results than rolling a single D6 as you would in WHQ or many other games.

I'm struggling to think of a cool way to implement magic though.  I love Warhammer's magic dice & dispel dice system so I may do a small-scale vesion of that.
Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

In reply to this post by seanpatrick
hello and welcome
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

In reply to this post by seanpatrick
I think this forum will help you with your projects, there are tons of "inspiring" stuff here!

seanpatrick wrote
I've played a lot of complex games and a lot of simple ones.  I'm beginning to miss the simple ones.
I think this is a fact that happens to any long time player... me too... "Nostalgia effect!"
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
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Re: A stranger walks into town...


Thanks guys.  I must admit my game has been going round in circles for a while now.  I'm sure I can get some kind of prototype up and running soon though.  It'll probably just be a free PDF download. :) :) :)
Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

Some cool profile pics coming up on this forum BTW :)
Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

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Re: A stranger walks into town...


Thanks dude - I've found people on this forum to be very friendly and helpful so far.  
Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

General Biakal
In reply to this post by seanpatrick
where abouts in the uk you based?
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

Remember, sometimes you roll a one... http://dungeon-gamer.blogspot.co.uk
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

General Biakal
no fucking way!!! me too!

we will have to sort out a splinter LatD group and exculde all those inbred west country yokel fucks! with all their webbed hands and Auntie- cousins and wicker men...
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by seanpatrick
He mentions Tunnels &Trolls and Warhammer Quest in the same post!?
I like the cut of this man's jib!
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Re: A stranger walks into town...

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by General Biakal
General Biakal wrote
no fucking way!!! me too!

we will have to sort out a splinter LatD group and exculde all those inbred west country yokel fucks! with all their webbed hands and Auntie- cousins and wicker men...