2012 Projects

Posted by Cardboard Carnage Cardboard Carnage
Hey all, I was wondering what projects everyone has for 2012.

I'm going to try my best to complete my Warhammer Quest collection. I am now only a few miniatures shy and need the Pits & Traps too. Also, at the same time, I am working on completing my Advanced Heroquest collection too. I've got to get a few more of the extra minis that were not included in the set so I can field any potential minis that come up during the course of the game.

Other than that, I want to try and get a few more Marines and Eldar for my Space Crusade set.



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jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
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Re: 2012 Projects

ok 3 titans to finish 2 to start, 3 fighters & 1 bomber (eldar) to finish, continue with my new firestorm armada fleet oh move house & i think thats it
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by Cardboard Carnage
Much the same as every year before - I plan to try and get more miniatures finished, get more rules written and try and start less brand new projects (at least until I've finished some of my older ones)

PS also look out for the word Endungeoned in future ...
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messyart messyart
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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by Cardboard Carnage
The same thing I have planned every day, Pinky...
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
Cardboard Carnage Cardboard Carnage
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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
MortiS-the-Lost wrote
...and try and start less brand new projects...
Oh yeah, I am going into 2012 with a whole new outlook on gaming. I've got so many projects that I wasn't able to finish from previous years that I am going to try and focus on!

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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by Cardboard Carnage
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Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by Cardboard Carnage
Nice topic!
The new projects?
1. Like always I must paint some miniatures of a member here in the forum, LostamongtheBarrens.
0. I must finish my marauders army;
B. I must create a modular table for wargames (8 pieces);
§. I must rewrite an old project (HACK!);
4. And I want to write some rules for a wargame, I want to try something different than WH40K and Warpath, something is good for me and my usual wargames buddy;

Abandoned projects:
House rules for sci-fi skirmish in spaceships / factories / dungeons with iron floor (practically SpaceHomer or HomerCrusade)  
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
Cardboard Carnage Cardboard Carnage
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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by Cardboard Carnage
Hack looks good. I like the Diablo additions!!!  (anyone going crazy waiting for Diablo III as much as I am?), I'm going to read your whole post on it more tonight!

General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by Cardboard Carnage

well. i have sort of come to the end of the whole Guard project, mostly as I have ONE can of AF(R) Orange paint left!

i would LOVE a thunderbolt, just cos the model is just too fucking gorgeous... but at 80 notes, fuck that. unless the rumoured plastic one happens...

if considered a Khorne based daemon army, but i got bored of losing games ages ago.

i think the most long term project is to swap my old brown/green uniforms for the new grey/orange ones... i need to see what those new mantic models look like. otherwise i will need about £70 to reboot the lot...
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Re: 2012 Projects

In reply to this post by Cardboard Carnage
For me.......

1: continue to create new WHQ tiles and characters

2: continue to work on my modular dungeon and sci-fi wall sections

3: become a dad (due very soon - 1 week left : shitting myself)

4: Try and paint more minis than this year

5: had a Motorola XOOM for christmas, so scan all my white dwarf magazines and turn to pdf's (13 years worth)

6: continue to work on my rpg rules

Think that'll do for now.