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General Biakal
do any of you gaylords play magic? only iv been given a free deck from my local geekstore and i picked a huge starter set up from The Works for a quid...

is it any good?
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Re: magic?

I played and collected magic and I had a lot of fun playing it.
Since 2003 I think there was a change of marketing... Cards too powerful (in comparision to the older expansions), new look, new craps, new incredible skills... and I see that every new set, is more unbalanced and powerful than the last one. So I just gave up (in 2003), I think it's became a cheat.
I think is a good game, without too money investment. I know some friends of mine spending a lot of money in rare cards, more cards, more and more cards, expansions, more expansions, tournaments, protection card sleeves, deck protection, deck box, etc.. etc...  
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Re: magic?

General Biakal
(thanks for the reply bro) hmmmm interesting angle... i have a few doubts myself but i want to give it a fair whack... im worried A: its just too fucking geeky even for me B: my PERCEPTION of the players tend to veer towards the geeks with B.O and no interpersonal skills... BUT ppl say that about warhammer so thats not bothering me too much. im just a bit worried its a glorified Top Trumps. and also i dont really "Get It"... its noth something that inspires me but my friend is getting pretty worked up about it and seeing as how his GF is running him geekstuff is the only time we get to hang out. if he gets into magic i pretty much have too... i will try some games and let you all know how it pans out
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: magic?

There were two ways to play Magic that I remember: Constructed, where you make the deck using any card you own, and Limited, where each player starts out with a certain number of unopened booster packs (rather expensive if you want to play like this every time!).

Deck construction is one of the main elements of strategy within the game, and can actually be quite fun. I found that with competitive constructed play, the person who wins is unfortunately often the one with the most money to burn on the right cards. Which gets pretty annoying if you wish to stay competitive. I have a bunch of cards from the mid 90's which I still like to play with occasionally, letting my opponent choose their cards first as I'm familiar with them. This more casual way to play is definitely what I prefer.

ps- I should warn you that this game has been called 'paper crack' by many of its players.