how the greenskins became Dutch

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how the greenskins became Dutch

Wher to start……
Ofcourse i can start from the beginning, three years ago, no lets not do that

Okay december 2008 Mortis came to the netherlands to visit me and George(whom you gys will meet eventually, after he does his introduction) and George is also into painting and all.
So after a few weeks Mortis introduced us to heroquest.

So we played it a few times, and first it was quit difficult for me….exspecially because it was all in english.
Yes i do speak english and as you can see i can even write it, but if it is not your langzame it can be very tiering and confusing.
So Mortis tried to Explain the rooms and all but often i just didnt understand so there i went again ehhh??? What???? Hmmmmm???????
But I managed,.
Two nights before he went home, he told me “okay Ingrid , its your turn to be the game master”.
Ohhhhhhh dear.

So we had a little dungeon with some Orcs or Goblins and i tried to tell about the rooms and all( in a way Mortis also understood)
Then i thought okay let give the Orcs a voice, but in that time i was so tiered that i just started to speak Dutch, Mortis was laughing his ass of saying this really does sound like they would speak, so then i started talking in my own accent and that is the Amsterdam Accent even more hilarious.

So that is the story about how the greenskins became Dutch

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Re: how the greenskins became Dutch

Today we had a other night of RGP.
As Mortis Suggested I used i used the undead, and it worked out fine.
Of course George( my hubby and well you guys will meet him eventually) helped me a bit.
This evening we had a new we had a new player, and because of him we kept it quit easy and simple, but he did like it a lot.

I had one room that was filled with a lot of skeletons, whom where just laying on the ground and doing nothing, until they released the elf that was captured (the new player) then hell broke loose.

The elf turned out to be extremly strong , wich was very good for the new player.
I kept the dungeon quit small, but next week it is going to be a blast, because then they going to enter the real underground city of Lord Azrham, in here there will be a lot of live and just anything can happen, i know within warhammer it is not always possible, but i do remomber George telling me a couple of years ago that warhammer encourage it to bend the rules and make it your own.
And that is precisley what i am doing right now (with George his help because without him I couldent do it, for the fact i do not know that much about the warhammer rules and all)

So in the next and final level( I had to finish it off so quickly because one of the players is going to leave) Elfs Dwarfs and Humans are the enemy, but luckely there are still some who have some good in them, and who knows they can help the heroes out.

Next week I will do a other update about the RGP (because I really like it)
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Re: how the greenskins became Dutch

sounds like your doing well :D

I look forward to reading of your future adventures

PS term is RPG by the way :)
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: how the greenskins became Dutch

Today ( or actually yesterday because I'm writing this journal at 1 o'clock in the night).
We played the last and final three levels of my dungeon.
There was again a new player, and he was really nice because he is on the drama school and learns to be an actor so a very good and nice add to the game I guess.

This time the heroes entererd the actual city of Lord Azhram Druhim Vanashta.
And this time Azhram actually left a note to our heroes saying


Now my lovely heroes, you enter my city, nothing is what it seemes beware
I know what you doing here and i will do whatever is in my power to stop you, and my power is more than everything you have ever crossed, do you really want to challence me??

My friends I give you one last change to return ,one step further and there is no return only death and slavery.



This time the dungeon was split up in three areas, the first area was part a trade area.
The first room the heroes entered was a spiral room and at the end the was a Great unclean one(with this part I was thinking of Pans labyrinth
the frog thing ) so here they have to fight the great unclean one, when they killed it, a key was hidden in his belly.
After they left that room they entered a room with two dwarfs whom where selling weapons, I really tried to tell them that these dwarfs where nuteral, basicly as long as they can sell there stuff it is cool, but in this case the new guy had to attack them.
Then a bllodhound arrived and had to kill that, when they killed the dwarfs all the weapons just vanished and they didn't got a change to buy anything(remember the namless wizzard who gave his sword to a demonette).
Anyway they got through it and found a lot of treasure(wich they needed to buy more help for the quest).

Further down the street there was on their right hand a door made out of steel and that door only could be opend from the inside.
on the other hand there was a door and the new guy just bashed it in, ans as they entered that room, it was a slave trade and a dwarfs sales man that sold potions and bought other stuff, after they sold all the treasure they found they had plenty of money to buy helpers and even healing potions.
In the corner of that room there was a odd looking box and it had a shape of some kind of a police box( a little joke for Dave)
but as they enter that box they where transported to the room they couldn't enter and there was a device that lowerd a wall.
As they left the room they could see the exit of that area.

the second area was more like a labyrint, but that didn't the way I wanted it to go, but that is an whole other story.
We went trough that one very fast, wich was a shame because i put a lot of effort into that one.

The thirth and last one was the main room, and the whole playing field was one big room.
In this room George(screaming mad George)and I placed a lot of demons, and when I say a lot I mean a lot.

5 lesser deamons
2 succubus
2 greater deamons
2 spawns
1 bloodhound
2 Deamonettes
1 necromancer
2 wraiths
1 undeath chaos knight
and lets not forget Azhram himself.

the cool thing was the two Dutch guys where really discussing and all, and well they had a hard time with these bastarts I can tell you.
Now if it was up to George we still would be playing it, because the only thing he saw was Blood blood and more blood( i managed to get him to be a bit easy lol lol)
After killing every deamon they had to counter Azhram, and they did well and defeated him(with a lot of help from my side otherwise they where srewed)

and that was the end of the Lord of Darkness Lord Azhram( but what they dont know is that he can return again, lets not forget he is a deamon Lord and they dont get defeated that easly)

Until next time mwhahahahah

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Re: how the greenskins became Dutch

sounds like an awsome (if rather deadly) game!
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: how the greenskins became Dutch

A new dungeon with a new story, written by screaming mad George.

In the city Mitterwâld  rumors are heard about a demonic sect that is operating from Schloß Nebenwasser.
Because of a menace from a Chaos army from the north, the army of Mitterwâld has no staff left to do a investigation into this sect.
Meanwhile...because of a false statement of the enemy of our heroes, their is now a price on their heads.

In the tavern "the hobbit's armpit" our heroes are captured and brought to Duke Von Opperdude.
He tells our heroes that if they will do the investigation he  will drop the charges on our heroes.

When the heroes arrive at Schloß Nebenwasser they see that the gates are destroyed and everybody is dead accept for one guard.
The guard that is severly beaten, can tell in his last breath"they attacked us, we had no change. In the cellar of the guardhouse is a passage to the dungeons. Beware of the d............." with these words he dies.
Our adventure starts when the heroes climb down the stairs and stand in the cellar.
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Re: how the greenskins became Dutch

good plot-hook, love the Thrud reference too ... how did it play out?
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: how the greenskins became Dutch

well it went very well, ofcourse I was very tired, so couldn't give me completley, but still it was nice.
I kept it quit easy only some Goblins and Orcs.
The guys liked the change, because the earlier one was quit a difficult one.

The problem from my side at this moment is, that it is already almost a week ago, and then I dont remember anymore what actually happend.
sorry for time i will write it right away lol