battle report- new IG vs tyranids (twice)

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battle report- new IG vs tyranids (twice)

General Biakal
long story shirt, got spanked. twice. in a row.

the bane of IG is always monstorous creatures and fast, hard individual "characters". the ratlings (7) did awesome service in both matches- in game two they took out three zoanthropes one after the other. the three twin linked las cannons on the vendetta didnt do as well as i had expected in either match- im not sure how useful the rocket pods would have been tho- against tyranids you need to hammer the big ones and your troops should have the small ones licked.

sly marbo was wasted in match one by my own spastication but in match two he did a little better. his demo charge ruind some gaunts and he charged a few more and killed em but good. it all got spoiled when some big ass flying monster pitched in and killed him.

the master of ordanance has provided pie plate death every battle. this chap is MANDATORY. he kills more point for point than just about anyone else in the game. outstanding.

veterans got fisted again. even with a commissar (first time i used one ever) the gene stealers ate their face.

the combined platoon set up as one unit with a medic just got charged and eaten- the FNP didnt really help either cos most of the wounds were S6. the mortars did very little in the second battle but did some good in the first.

these are early impressions of the new codex troops- more to follow.
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: battle report- new IG vs tyranids (twice)

Sorry to hear about the defeats but it seems you had some good fun though.

Tournament or friendly game?