Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

Posted by Talsin Talsin
Velcome Mine Dear Guest, to This humbe thread.....

Anyway enough of the BAAAAAAAAAD Dracula impression. had a lovely email arrive this morning from my friendly Vampire Count Forum. VC have been confirmed for Jan, with several new kits and a big army book.

Currently all we have is mostly Rumour, but here is a 'brief' summary.

summary of the rumours we had:

- VC are next army book to be released in January,
- New unit flesh golems? - something like a mix of large ghoul and zombie ... with something no monsterous infantry has had before ...wings! Dual kit Monsterous infantry ... Ogre size undead monstrocities (can't be more specific) and monsterous flyers.
- New plastic black coach mini ... Dual kit makes two 'war machines' ... big ethereal warmachines ... neither is a Black coach. One is acalled a Coven Throne the other is a Mortis Engine. Coven Throne ... 'Lamian passion wagon' ... Mortis Engine ... 'ethereal alter type thing with added ghosts'. (It runs on undeaded. )
- Current Black coach stays and goes finecast.
- Dual cavalry kit wraith riders? and something else ... Black knights and something else?
- New krell,
- New female vampires (Riders on Coven throne and Isabella von Carstein).
- Hints of army book cover ... Dark red of Vampire/Bluegreen tint of etherealness in background.

My understanding is the book has five new units + Lords/Heroes.
That is alot of exciting new options/builds.
Includes four different 'chariot/warmachine' options.

What we know now:

Army Book written by Phil Kelly

Release in January. On sale from the 14th January (advanced orders for the 7th January)

Release includes:
New army book (96 pages)
Magic cards

New minis will be:
Plastic Kits:
Coven Throne/Mortis engine (Dual kit)
Black Knights/Hex Wraiths (Dual kit)
Vargheists/Crypt Horrors (Dual kit)
Plastic characters
Wight King
Finecast Characters:
Isabella von Carstein

And some pics

All images borrowed from Warseer and Carpe Noctum  Forums, who both have dedicated threats full of more rumors and speculation, which I am not going to shameless copy.

Discuss away.


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messyart messyart
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

The guy riding the Mortis Engine looks familiar..
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
Talsin Talsin
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

Hmmm, ys, and the name as well..........

messyart messyart
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

On a serious note, most of the models do look lovely.
The Black Knight sex Wraiths look worrying, could be fun to scrounge bits from.

The Crypt horrors also look like they'd serve me another purpose with a current project..
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
Apocalypsedreamer Apocalypsedreamer
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

The crypt horrors could work quite nicely as some Inquisitor mutants!


(might buy some ... might not (probably wont)
You think your lag is bad! It took 3 days for Jesus to re-spawn!


MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

In reply to this post by Talsin
Right, first of all I think I'll move this into the Miniatures Discussion section since it's got pictures of the new miniatures

I won't rant, but I'm not impressed. They really are going to town with this 2 kits in 1 thing (that is 1 kit you make one thing or the other - not 1 kit you can make 2 things from) to rather stupid degree it seems in this range.

The Black Knights are nice, but the Mantic equivalents are just as nice and cost much less ...

and the other things you can build from the same kit - The Hex Wraith - IMHO just look a little silly and thus I'm not keen on them

The Vargheists are no where near as nice the old (but not that old) metal one and their kit-siblings the Crypt Horrors just look like re-scaled versions of the plastic ghouls and both suffer from the stupid looking long-pubes-lion-cloth that GW seem keen on putting on their monsters in recent months - yea I'm not keen on seeing detailed sculptings of monsters genitals either but they could have put some more thought into how to cover the area in question other than "fuck it - I'll just sculpt a bit of hair there" - these mega-ghouls and wingedy things are other-wise hairless!

 ^oh and it's not just me is it? - the Vargheists are posed stupidly they look like kids running around with beach-towels pretending to be super heroes (you can't un-see it!)

and The Coven Throne/Mortis Engine appears to be made from existing kits stuck together in bizarre ways along with some formless swathes of plastic (ok there are a few new bits in there too, but not many). If you want something like this for your undead army, I'd recommend buying small box of Mantic Skeletons, some wire and a pack of sculpting putty - pull a few chunks of tombstone type bits from your bits-box (or scavenge them from another hobbyist) combine the components and then mount an undead character of your choice on top of the thing.

The Wight King looks pretty good, but is not worth £8 by any stretch, especially not in plastic

and as for the FineCast offerings ... as always they'd be better off in metal and at around a 3rd of the price

I'll post some alternatives later, but I'd recommend people look at the Undead ranges by Reaper Miniatures
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Talsin Talsin
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

Sorry for posting in the wrong place there mr mortis, not sure quite where to put it.

I do agree on the posing of the Vargheist kit, along with your comments regarding genitalia. Deffinatley a most, erm, unusual pose and styling.

I have some of the wonderful Mantic knight, along with 80 skellies, some zombies and a revenants. Depending on what happens in the army book, I may well dig them out and get painting.

The Wight king does look nice, but certainly not £8 nice for a plastic character with one pose and no options.

It is just a shame that the zombies have not been updated to fit a bit better with the internal look of the rest of the range, either way they are a very versitile kit.

General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

In reply to this post by Talsin
"it runs on undeaded"

you sir are a fucking genius.

but i make the jokes round here son, ok?
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

In reply to this post by Talsin
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: Ze Children of ze Night, vot vonderfull Music they make!

In reply to this post by Talsin
I could result unpopular....
... but this time I like these GW stuff! (Except for the Vargheists and the Coven Throne).
Especially I like the way the Mortis Engine results "dynamic".
Nice preview Talsin!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I don't play Warhammer Fantasy anymore and If I played it, I'd never use the 8th edition and by the way I don't have even got a 28mm undead army (but I have got a 20mm one, pics soon )...


If the three points listed above were different, I think I could really get angry! That's why:

1.Too, too, too pricey!

2.The army book (pricey too and hard-covered I guess) is ridiculous, everyone know it: an army list a background and some pictures fill fully 15 pages, not 96! And I think there's enough background in the little 800 pages Warhammer rulebook... yes I know, in the boxed set there's a real handbook without background and pictures... and then why GW doesn't release a compact army book edition?  

3.The cards (sold separately)... other money!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm sorry if, in a forum where we usually talk about conversions and house rules and where we enjoy showing our paintjobs, when we talk about GW, the topic always redirect to the money, but it's unavoidable when the subject is GW!

Uh! I was almost forgetting it! I'm not a skinflint!  I usually buy a lot of miniatures, paints (even GW ones!) and stuff to make my own terrains and tables!
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +