"Due to a shameful lack of quality, each Citadel Finecast product has been put in a bin and set on fire."
Truth is that GW isn't ashamed of the lack of quality - they are in denial about the lack of quality
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Looking at this picture it looks like some melted plastic has been too close to the fire.
anofter thing that has pissed me off is the fact now that future horus hersy books are now limited edition. Wankers. these were the only things worth buying at GW.
Re: You're Doing it Wrong!
Re: You're Doing it Wrong!
Re: You're Doing it Wrong!
Re: You're Doing it Wrong!
Re: You're Doing it Wrong!