Why Skaven Like Wyrdstone.....
Hokay seeing as I'm basicly co-founder of this forum I thought I better post something.
Unfortunately due to my current lack of space I can't do any miniatures to show you all.
So its got to be this theory.....I seem to remember this being developed after some consumption of ale.
The theory goes thusly: Wydstone comes from the Wolf's Eye (Warhammer worlds version of the moon), and everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. This completely explains why Skaven (as rodents) love wydstone because it is infact CHEESE!
Re: Why Skaven Like Wyrdstone.....
Re: Why Skaven Like Wyrdstone.....
Re: Why Skaven Like Wyrdstone.....
Re: Why Skaven Like Wyrdstone.....
Re: Why Skaven Like Wyrdstone.....