What Magic?

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What Magic?

uncle phil
At some point in the distant future my girlfriend's son will visit, so it would be nice to have a miniatures game he can easily pick up and enjoy. At the moment I think this will either be Heroquest or "Songs of Blades and Heros" using the HQ board bits and funiture that I have.

What I wanted to do is expand the magic elements a little. Mordheim seems to use a simple system of 2D6 vs a target number, while WHFB uses a variable number of power dice vs a target number. WH40K psionics uses 2D6 vs the caster's Ld value. HQ just gives you cards which are one use.

What I was thinking of was some system that would represent differing Mana levels. Certain areas of the dungeon would be low mana or high mana and levels might be increased by found potions or reduced by traps. My tentitive system would be that starting Mana level would be something like three times the Mind Points value. Casting a level three spell would use three points, and could not be done if you were not at least a level three wizard. A successful cast would be rolling at least one 6 when you roll a number of dice equal to your mindpoints.

Does that sound workable? Are there other magic systems that might be worth looking into?
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Re: What Magic?

Take a look to Warhammer quest magic system. mainly it has variable magic poin each turn (1d6, called qind of magic ) + a pool the wizard gain at the beginnin ( 1d6 ) and can play during the game. If rolling the wind of magic you get a 1 you take an event card ( usually an encounter with wandering monsters). Unused mana from winds of magic is losta t the end of the turn. In WHQ you roll a d6 and place it on the wizard sheet to take count of used / unused point, while you have cpunter for the starting point in the pool you can use only one time.

You can adapt it, maybe saying low level mana get 1d3  or  high level mana get 1d8 or 1d6 +2 etcc magic point to differentiate.

usually WHQ spells requilres between  3 and 6 points to be cast, with most of them needing 5 points.


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Re: What Magic?

uncle phil
That sounds interesting -guess I'd better try and track down some WHQ rules!