Veer-myn the 8th race (Warpath, Mantic)

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
 ^ Pictures without Beasts of War's logos plastered all over them like they deserve credit

Veer-myn, VerMen, Vur'min, Vermin, Ratmen, Rat-Men!  (I feel I must also get the phrase Space Skaven into this post so it comes up on google searches)

yep the 8th race turned out to Rat-Men after all!

So far I like what I'm seeing, not only are these a brand new (well -ish) race for my Sci-fi games but they've got a nice Steam-punk look to them which means not only would they make great monsters for a Steam Punk game but I can also use them in my fantasy games as Clan Skryre troops (I imagine I'll be able to convert some plastic weapon teams, Warlock Engineers and mechanically enhanced troops quite easily)

Something that always bugged me about Citadel and Marauder Miniatures Skaven was they never could get the ears right - Mantic however seem to have put the effort in, the ears look pretty good and come very close to the ears on my favorite Rat-Man miniature, This guy from Heart Breaker ...
in fact this model would make a rather nice Veer-myn leader ...

I must say that all in all they look much better than GW's current range of plastic Skaven that really lack facial details

But what do you think?


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Re: Veer-myn the 8th race (Warpath, Mantic)

I have been locked in this strange closet until I tell of my personal feelings on the matter..

So.. I like them. They look a bit tall for now, and the teeth do not satisfy my ratty loves, but the rattiness of their gear and their rough and ready visage is certainly pleasing.
I'm pondering their worth as conscripts in my Imperial Guard..
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: Veer-myn the 8th race (Warpath, Mantic)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
nice detail... i think they are *ok* but im not inspried/excited by them
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Metropolis Metropolis
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Re: Veer-myn the 8th race (Warpath, Mantic)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
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Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: Veer-myn the 8th race (Warpath, Mantic)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
MortiS-the-Lost wrote
I think we are going to be seeing Space Skaven!
Marchomer wrote
mmmh... I don't know... look at the mouth of these creatures, there are no the typical rat-like incisors.

By the way...
I like these new Skaven, another great miniatures range by Mantic as usual.
I often heard that Mantic miniatures aren't so detailed... I can't understand why, what I see is a high level of details, yes... Mantic models have few poses than the GW ones, but here we have to take the "smallest brush".
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Veer-myn the 8th race (Warpath, Mantic)

Marchomer wrote
I often heard that Mantic miniatures aren't so detailed... I can't understand why, what I see is a high level of details, yes... Mantic models have few poses than the GW ones, but here we have to take the "smallest brush".
Yea I'd agree Mantic's plastics have about the same detail level as Citadel ones (I think most claims that Mantic minis are in some way lacking comes from the fixed view some people have that if it's not GW it can't possibly be as good as GW). Yea some Mantic kits don't give you that many poses to work from - but neither do a lot of more recent GW kits and what's more you get some nice optional  pieces (goggles and so on) and a few 'fun' bits as well on most Mantic sprues (something GW rarely do anymore)

IMHO over all, any given criticism of Mantic plastics can also be leveled at Citadel plastics - so any claims that GW are any better is just down to an incomprehensible loyalty to a company that charges upward of double the average price for their products.
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