Triple Helix Opening Hours Changed

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Triple Helix Opening Hours Changed

Triple Helix Wargames

Hi All,
Just a quick message to let you all know our opening hours have changed.  The new hours are;
Monday – CLOSED
Tuesday and Thursday – 12midday to 10pm
Wednesday – CLOSED
Friday – 2pm to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 6pm
These times are more in line with customer demand and we hope that people who work later or travel a bit further on the club nights can now get a decent game in.  The Wargaming Centre is bookable additional to these hours, subject to numbers.  
We have also got lots of events planned including at December Bring and Buy, we will let you all know the dates and details or go to our website to find out more.

Triple Helix Wargames Wargaming evolved...