Hello Everyone,
You all should know that my Maths and dice rolling skills are quite bad. For this post I am hopeing to look for and make a way to Transform or convert different game charitors into and out of differnt games. A convertion kit of sorts. The streanth of these rules it to beable to link differnt games to gether in a massive campain adventure. When I was younger I wanted to beable to play and use my heros and mosters form HeroQuest in SpaceCrusade, and add to my Advance HeroQuest and Advenced Space Crudsade using Warhammer and 40k rules and modles in big on going quests and adventures. I found out over time that I could not easly use the profiles of the differnt heros and mosters from the difffernt games together. As some games used differnt profiles and numbers to repersent the same or similar units, heros and monsters in the differnt games. I was also hopeing to one day use mosters form D&D games in Advance HeroQuest. I could not figure out the correct calculations needed. Even for D&D and HeroQuest. I have done some work on this convertion kit Idea. I am currently trying to link the old GamesWorkshope games that I have and enjoyed playing years ago to gether. On the HeroQuest to D&D or AD&D side I have left that part for a while. Untill I can clearly link GW games to gether So I can have a HQ wizard walking around between WH40k SpaceMaires, or trave back intime to fight cowboys or Romans. I have so far been partly able to find game line link. Linking the differnt games profiles together. Fighting Fantasy - to - Talisman, FF to HeroQuest, HQ to SC, WHQ to WHFB 5thed, Even Advance Space Crusade to TA, and SC - HQ. I am finding the links between the edtions quite hard to handle. For example I was able to finely create a Space Marine and Genstealler Profile for use in an old Warhammer 40k style. From the Space Hulk 1sted profile. Which I am hoping to be able to use in my quest campain adventure. I have looked at the wepons or equipment yet. When I refernced checked the Profiles for SM in WH40k 1st and 2nd ed's the profiles were inacuate. aaah. I will find my notes and post them up so Mortis and rest of the gang can have a look and hopfully beable to give my helpfull advace, and pointers. That will likely be in a few days time, problay be next weeked. when conseding time differnce and responce times. Here are the Space Hulk to WH40k profiles : Figering_out_the_Profile_of_a_Genstealer_and_Space_Marien_from_the_Space_Hulk_Profile.txt That is an example of what I have been doing. Let me know what you think ( help sugestions are most welcome). I have also created Zoat Profiles for Both HQ ,SC and TA using the Values found in Advance Space Crusade. It is takeing me ages to create a filled siloet for SC blip Counter. I am finding converting the Weapones and Armor of the different games hard to fatham. |
First up, this really belongs in the Space Crusade section but ...
^if you post your rules with the points values in the Space Crusade section I'll add them to the blips now converting between systems ... I'm going to start by saying it's not easy and it's rarely accurate - no conversion system will be able to do 100% accurate conversions all the time. The underlying problem is that different writers and designers will have different ideas of the powers and capabilities of certain troop types, monsters and so on. Add to this the constant upgrading and re-writing certain popular games have gone though over the years and you've got even more variables to deal with. Another more obvious problem is many games have stats that may not be an equivalent of in the system you want to convert to or from. I myself am currently working on converting D&D/AD&D monster stats to HeroQuest which is an extension of my converting HeroQuest Monsters to DragonStrike work (Read it Here) these conversions prove relativity easy as both DragonStrike and HeroQuest are directly derived from Basic D&D (wait until I've got my workings written up and you'll see!) and thus have easily equivalent stats Macro has done quite a bit of work in the more difficult area of converting Warhammer to HeroQuest and you can read both our thoughts on the subject Here I will write more on this at a later date - especially once I've got my D&D to HeroQuest work done. My main tip for you at this stage is; when working out a conversion system pick a few creatures that the games in question have in common and start working with only the profiles of those 2 or 3 creatures PS I'm going to post PDFs in the Fighting Fantasy section about converting monsters that you might find intresting
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~ |
Yes, that's it. Whatever conversion will never be 'extremely perfect'. The converted monster are balanced between each other, this is a good thing, but they will always work in a different way than the original concept. Fortunately the beta testing can fix everything. MACRO!?!?
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
Argh! Sorry! interestingly the exact opposite type-o is in Rogue Trader on page 87
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~ |
The "Marco Cannon" is a weapon of mass destruction.
It basicly produces clones of this guy. And have you seen Hell's Kitchen
In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Mortis, have you made any progress on D&D conversions to HQ yet? I'm interested in doing the same.
ah back on subject again - was wondering if this thread was going the way of The Angry Marine Thread
Yes I've made quite some progress converting old Basic D&D to HeroQuest Hit Points can be converted to Body Points quite easily by merely working out the minimum possible roll on a creature's Hit Dice, I also have made a chart for converting THAC0 into Defend Dice using a similar formula to my DragonStrike conversion system. Mind Points I should be able to convert from Saving Throw: Spells/Magic Staff (Via the Save As tables of course) kinda like I did for DragonStrike and I'm working on Damage to Attack Dice. Movement I have formula down for too, but I can't remember it off the top of my head (it's along the lines of 1 Square = 5ft with some adjustment involved which sinks up with the difference between DS and HQ) if you're interested I've posted a few creatures converted from DragonStrike to HeroQuest In This Thread Here and you can find a link to my HeroQuest to DragonStrike conversion system earlier in this thread you're reading now
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~ |
In reply to this post by Marchomer
*Realises that Marco knows we're on to his plans, now..*
Put the Marco cannon down D:
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Hello Mortis, and everyone,
Thank you for your your kind support and mega helpfull input. I have been working out some points values for the Space Crusade Zoat Blip Counters. Basic Zoat with 2 Fleshborers (equivilant to SM bolters) Blip Counter Value BCV= 7. Worked out from WH40k 1sted basic pv of 75 - 5 (human value) =70/10= 7. Zoat with Heavy Flamer and Power Glove BCV= 10. Worked out as 75/10= 7.5; 75/7.5= 10. I have worked out my zoat profiles from Advanced Space Crusade profile values. ASC Zoat Profile 40 points per blip Zoat Movement Speed= 5 Man.= U ; Reaction=7; Armour Exposed= 12 Incover=12; Weapon Fleshborers Ammo= U; Target= - Snipe Fire Range= 12 To hit= 1D+1; Aimed Fire=24 To hit= 1D+2; Close Combat To hit= 1D+7 Parry= - The above profile is to be read as I line. U= Unlimited ; - = Blank or Non Aplicable N/A. My Profile vales are as follows: Space Crusade: Zoat Move= 5 Armour= 6 Range= 3 white dice H-T-H= 4 white dice OR 1 red dice [Life Points = 1 Mind= 7]. The Square Braked Life Points and Mind points are hidden values which are not displayed on Alien Control pannel, or at at all in regards to mind. Zoat in HQ Move= 7 Attack= 4 dice Defence= 4 dice Body= 1 Mind= 4 (Points= 20) Note: The braked points value is the hidden value found in HQ I counted up all of the Individual profile values. The Fimir has a Points of 16 as do the Dwarf and Elf. Body value for Zoat is using UK rules. Where all monsters from the base game have 1 body point. I worked out my HQ profile form my SC values. My Zoat Tyranid Attack Profile Zoat Points= 7 ; Move= 7 ; Armour= 4 ; Weapons 2 Flesh borers Range= 18 ; Fire= 2D+1 ; H-T-H= 3D Or Weapons Heavy Flamer and Power Glove Range= 6 ; Fire= 2D ; H-T-H= 1D (+2) Treat Flamer and Glove the same as Those used by Terminators. The points were worked out as 7 ( 75 -5 = 70 /10= 7) or you could use 40/10= 4. Read the profile as 1 continuse line. I based my TA profile on the ASC values. What might the zoat look like if found inbetween the pages of a FF game book? My FF zoat profile: Zoat Skill = 9 ; Stamina= 18 Youn Zoat Skill= 9 ; Stamina= 11 Talisman profile As a Warror = Zoat Streanth = 3 As a Wizard = Zoat Craft = 4 The Zoat Talisman profiles feel a bit off, I will have to keep working on them. As you can all read from this post I like Zoats |
Now for something a little less Zoat, and hopefull a bit more in keeping with HeroQuest.
I have used my conversion kit rules, to creat a Manticor moster values worked out from the Fighting Fantasy Manticor Profile found in Out of The Pit (Puffin Editions) FF Manticore values Skill= 12 Stamina= 18 Note: When the Manticor lands a blow roll a dice (D6) on a Roll of 5 or 6 the Manicor uses its scorpan stinger and inflics 6 stamina woth of damage. You can take a Luck Test to deflect the poision blow. If successfull Damage is the normal attck damage. If the D6 roll is 1-4 the Manticor attacks as normal. My HQ Mantior is aimed at a strong band of heros consider enounters affer you have finished the base game and maybe one of the early expantion packs. My Manticor is for use with the UK Europe editions of HeroQuest. I have not appled the American rules to the profile. Although it does have maltipal body points. Mantior in HQ Move= 6 Attack= 5 Defence= 7 Body= 7 Mind= 6 (Points=31) Posion attck adds poison effect to hero. Note: The braked points value is the hidden value found in HQ I counted up all of the Individual profile values. The Fimir has a Points of 16 as do the Dwarf and Elf. Alternitivly the profile could be: Mantior in HQ Move= 6 Attack= 6 Defence= 7 Body= 7 Mind= 6 (Points=32) The Posion attack has been added to attck dice pool. For even more chalange use of Poison attack **=lvl 2; *=lvl 1. Challenge notes: Level 2: **IF posion effcet dose not exist use rule: Hero is posioned for as many turnes as there were sussefull attack rolls made when the posion attack was made. For example Maticors attack dice = 5. Five skulls are rolled , Hero has 3 defence dice 2 from normal defence + 1 for sheild= 3 rolled all 3 shilds. 5-3=2 The hero is poisoned for 2 turns. At the start of that heros turn roll one defence dice for each point of poison remading. If a shield is rolled remove one posion point. If on shileds are rolled take 1 body points werth of damage from posion working through your system. Also remove one posin point. SO if the hero is posiond for 2 turns, and rolls a sheild they do not take any poison damage that turn and the posion point is redused by 1. 1point of posin = 1 turn of poison remandind in the heors body. If a skull is rolled instead loose 1 body point. The hero or another player can use 1 turn trying to remove the posins using magic or antidote. Level 1: *An alternitve way is once poisond roll 1 dice only. If sheild hero is not poised for that turn. If skull hero is posioned that turn. Reduce the number of poisonus turn rending by 1. The hero or another player can use 1 turn trying to remove the posins using magic or antidote. MANTICOR in Talsiman Stamina = 9 Run Run, or die trying The Manticor has spotted you. Waiting here to feed or untill defeted. I alway thought there were manticors in Talisman well the expantion packs anyway. There is NO Manticors in Talisman at all. So my FF convertion would be a new monster for Talisman. It may be too strong though, hope you are all good at running or Duck 'n' Cover. Oh an update... My convertion notes are spread over lots of txt files and pages of paper. It will take me some time to clean them up and put them into a consise Word Document. Let me know what you think of my stuff and as always I appeashate the helpull advice. Thanks again for the help so far. |
In reply to this post by Captin Kabeered
To avoid confusion (and to make it easier for people to find things) I suggest keeping discussion of conversion between different rule-sets as separate as possible - to this end I've posted my thoughts on Zoats in Space Crusade Here and will continue with the HeroQuest Zoat rules discussion later on in this current thread.
I've also got a lot more to talk about in the way to D&D to HeroQuest conversions for which I will start a new thread again.
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~ |
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